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Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para tu búsqueda.

George Soros

Autor: Peter L. W. Osnos

Número de Páginas: 268

¿Quién es realmente George Soros? Los colaboradores de este libro han intentado contar su historia, aunque ningún relato de su vida puede capturar su carácter extraordinario y multifacético. Peter L. W. Osnos ha reunido un interesante conjunto de autores de una variedad de perspectivas diferentes: intelectuales públicos (Eva Hoffman, Michael Ignatieff), periodistas (Sebastian Mallaby, Orville Schell), académicos. (Leon Botstein, Ivan Krastev) y líderes de organizaciones sin finalidad de lucro (Gara LaMarche, Darren Walker), para dibujar una imagen completa del hombre más allá de las representaciones de los medios. Este libro recoge las experiencias, motivaciones, la visión y las pasiones de la vida de George Soros y cómo utiliza su riqueza. Soros busca consejo, asesoramiento e información de otras personas; pero las decisiones finales han sido y seguirán siendo suyas. Algunos han trabajado estrechamente con Soros, mientras que otros han luchado con problemas y dilemas similares a los suyos con sus propios esfuerzos. La experiencia colectiva arroja una nueva luz sobre las actividades y pasiones de Soros y la motivación para ellas y sus resultados. El objetivo de...

En defensa de la sociedad abierta

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 152

George Soros es atacado de forma constante debido a su incansable y valiente compromiso con la sociedad abierta, los derechos humanos, la libertad de prensa y la democracia liberal. La extrema derecha, los antisemitas, los políticos nacionalistas populistas y defensores de las teorías de la conspiración son solo algunos de sus detractores. En este brillante libro reúne una colección vital de sus conferencias y escritos, algunos inéditos, que tratan sobre una amplia gama de temas oportunos: los peligros que representa la inteligencia artificial en manos de gobiernos autoritarios como China y Rusia; lo que Soros llama su «filantropía política»; la historia de las Open Society Foundations y de la Central European University (una de las mejores instituciones en ciencias sociales en el mundo y un bastión de la defensa de la libertad académica); su teoría sobre el auge y caída de los mercados financieros y sus implicaciones políticas, y las amenazas que enfrenta hoy la Unión Europea. La agudeza de Soros es un claro y enérgico llamado a defender los ideales de la sociedad abierta, tan amenazados hoy en día.

The Philanthropy of George Soros

Autor: Chuck Sudetic

Número de Páginas: 384

With an Introduction by George Soros and an Afterword by Aryeh Neier George Soros is one of the world's leading philanthropists. Over the past thirty years, he has provided more than 8 billion to his worldwide network of foundations: the Open Society Foundations, which have applied the concept of the open society, the cornerstone of Soros's thinking on democracy, freedom, and human rights, in the United States and abroad. This book, written by former New York Times journalist Chuck Sudetic, marks the first exploration of George Soros's innovative philanthropic strategies and unmatched commitment to building open societies in places where dictatorship and violent repression have been the rule for too long. Soros is widely lauded for his brilliant financial and economic insights and investment strategies. But his philosophy-driven philanthropy and its impact are unprecedented for a private individual, and have produced remarkable results. Soros's visionary efforts include: helping to topple communism in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union and attempting to foster civil society in China initiating and nurturing global and local organizations fighting to overcome the driver of war,...

George Soros On Globalization

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 216

As the global economy becomes at once a fact of everyday life and the inspiration for violent protest, Soros offers his provocative analysis of globalization and outlines a new agenda for leading nations of the world. Charts and graphs.

George Soros

Autor: Peter L. W. Osnos

Número de Páginas: 181

A compelling new picture of one of the most important, complex, and misunderstood figures of our time. The name George Soros is recognized around the world. Universally known for his decades of philanthropy, progressive politics, and investment success, he is equally well known as the nemesis of the far right—the target of sustained attacks from nationalists, populists, authoritarian regimes, and anti-Semites—because of his commitment to open society, freedom of the press, and liberal democracy. At age 91, Soros still looms large on the global stage, and yet the man himself is surprisingly little understood. Asking people to describe Soros is likely to elicit different and seemingly contradictory answers. Who is George Soros, really? And why does this question matter? Biographers have attempted to tell the story of George Soros, but no single account of his life can capture his extraordinary, multifaceted character. Now, in this ambitious and revealing new book, Soros's longtime publisher, Peter L. W. Osnos, has assembled an intriguing set of contributors from a variety of different perspectives—public intellectuals (Eva Hoffman, Michael Ignatieff), journalists (Sebastian...


Autor: Michael T. Kaufman

Número de Páginas: 386

A penniless émigré who made a fortune and became one of the great philanthropists of the twentieth century, George Soros has led a remarkable life. This biography brings forth his story in unprecedented depth, from his childhood as a Jew in occupied Budapest during World War II to his conquests on Wall Street and the establishment of his philanthropic Open Society foundations. Soros offers exclusive glimpses at an often misunderstood man, revealing a shy character whose own struggle to escape the Nazis left him with the adamant belief that people of the world are entitled to live without the fear of oppression. Enigmatic, contradictory, and inspiring, George Soros is one of the most intriguing and globally influential men of our time. In this accomplished biography, written with Soros’s cooperation, Michael T. Kaufman fully illuminates the man, his motivations, and his legacy.

Le défi de l'argent

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 205

Du 35e étage de son immeuble de Manhattan, dans la salle des marchés, George Soros semble surveiller et diriger le marché économique du monde. Comment a-t-il fait, d'une modeste société financière, une fantastique machine à faire de l'argent ? Quand, comment et pourquoi ce petit Hongrois rescapé de l'holocauste est-il devenu un spéculateur de génie, capable de faire trembler les places boursières, un " homme d'Etat sans Etat ", et déjà, malgré lui, un mythe ? Symbole de la mondialisation aveugle, ce milliardaire philosophe et philanthrope est aussi le plus féroce critique du système qui l'a fait roi. Ce livre d'une intelligence fulgurante révèle les secrets d'un personnage fascinant. George Soros est un des hommes les plus influents et les plus mystérieux qui soient. Que pense-t-il de l'économie française, de l'Europe, de notre avenir ? Comment vit-il, réfléchit-il, agit-il ? Ce livre offre l'extraordinaire privilège d'entrer dans l'intimité d'un des maîtres du monde.

In Defence of Open Society

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 304

George Soros is among the world's most prominent public figures. He is one of the history's most successful investors and his philanthropy, led by the Open Society Foundations, has donated over $14 billion to promote democracy and human rights in more than 120 countries. But in recent years, Soros has become the focus of sustained right-wing attacks in the United States and around the world based on his commitment to open society, progressive politics and his Jewish background. In this brilliant and spirited book, Soros offers a compendium of his philosophy, a clarion call-to-arms for the ideals of an open society: freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights, social justice, and social responsibility as a universal idea. In this age of nationalism, populism, anti-Semitism, and the spread of authoritarian governments, Soros's mission to support open societies is as urgent as it is important.

George Soros: La biografía de un hombre controvertido, las crisis de los mercados financieros, las ideas de la sociedad abierta y su

Autor: United Library

Número de Páginas: 0

George Soros es una de las figuras más controvertidas y conocidas del mundo. Soros ha tenido una larga y exitosa carrera como gestor de fondos de cobertura, pero es más conocido por su filantropía y su apoyo a los ideales de la sociedad abierta. George Soros es uno de los hombres más controvertidos del mundo. Es un filántropo, filósofo y empresario con un patrimonio neto de más de 8.000 millones de dólares. Nació en Hungría en 1930 en el seno de una familia adinerada. Sobrevivió a la ocupación nazi de Hungría y emigró a Estados Unidos en 1956. Se graduó en la London School of Economics y comenzó su carrera como gestor de fondos de cobertura. Soros es más conocido por su papel en la crisis de la libra esterlina de 1992 y por su apoyo a causas liberales. En los últimos años se le ha acusado de inmiscuirse en la política nacional de países como Estados Unidos, Hungría y Rusia. También se le ha acusado de ser un titiritero detrás de una red mundial de organizaciones secretas en la sombra. Tanto si se le ama como si se le odia, es innegable que George Soros es un hombre poderoso e influyente. Este libro cuenta la historia de la vida de Soros, desde su primera...

My Philanthropy

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 62

George Soros is one of the world's leading philanthropists. Over the past 30 years, he has provided more than 7 billion to his network of foundations, known collectively as the Open Society Institute, for projects around the world and in the United States. In this e-book, Soros writes in detail for the first time about his vision for philanthropy. "I have always been leery of philanthropy," he writes, "Philanthropy is supposed to be devoted to the benefit of others, but many philanthropists are primarily concerned with their own benefit." Soros engages in philanthropy not out of a desire for praise or to impose his vision upon the world but out of a strong sense of moral duty: "My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people enjoy. This allows me to take a stand on controversial issues. In fact, my exceptional position obliges me to do so." Soros is celebrated for his brilliant financial and economic insights and his investment strategies. But his contribution to philanthropy and the impact of his generosity is equally impressive. This text reveals the thinking and practice that drives a lesser known aspect of this...

The Age of Fallibility

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 288

After reflecting on his support of a losing Democrat for president, George Soros steps back to revisit his views on why George Bush's policies around the world fall short in the arenas most important to Soros: democracy, human rights and open society. As a survivor of the Holocaust and a life-long proponent of free expression, Soros understands the meaning of freedom. And yet his differences with George Bush, another proponent of freedom, are profound. In this powerful essay Soros spells out his views and how they differ from the president's. He reflects on why the Democrats may have lost the high ground on these values issues and how they might reclaim it. As he has in his recent books, On Globalization and The Bubble of American Supremacy , Soros uses facts, anecdotes, personal experience and philosophy to illuminate a major topic in a way that both enlightens and inspires.

Soros: The Life, Ideas, and Impact of the World's Most Influential Investor

Autor: Robert Slater

Número de Páginas: 336

"A penniless survivor of the Nazi occupation of Hungary, George Soros is now one of the richest men in the world, and Robert Slater does an excellent job of helping us understand how Soros did it. . . . Slater distinguishes Soros from other great investors by explaining his mental processes . . . . He explains how Soros views markets as chaotic, not efficient, and very prone to boom-bust sequences. . . . Slater has written a fascinating volume."--Barron's The highly acclaimed bestseller updated to reveal Soros' role in our new economic and political era As a financial genius, global philanthropist, political activist, man of conscience, and the world's only investor with his own foreign policy--it cannot be denied that Soros is an enigmatic man of enormous influence. For more than four decades he has been so successful that he has been accused of directing the course of global markets and shaping the destinies of nations. Now, in this exhaustively updated and expanded edition of his 1996 bestseller, biographer Robert Slater separates fact from fiction to get at the truth about the mysterious figure of George Soros. Working from extensive interviews with Soros and those closest to...

El temblor despus de Trump / Trump Aftershock

Autor: Stephen E. Strang

Número de Páginas: 308

Si la elección de Donald Trump fue un terremoto, sus logros desde entonces son los temblores que el mundo no esperaba. La agenda Trump, promovida diariamente a millones de votantes, está ayudando a "hacer a Estados Unidos grande otra vez". Al mismo tiempo, los opositores tienen como objetivo obstruir, y finalmente, desacreditar a Donald Trump. El temblor después de Trump explora la manera en que la agenda de Trump tiene como objetivo: Liberar la economía para que prospere Restaurar los tribunales federales Abordar la ola de inmigración ilegal Restaurar las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses Combatir las noticias falsas de los medios de comunicación Tratar con Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin y otros Exponer al estado profundo Fortalecer las relaciones con Israel Proteger los valores y la libertad de culto Levantar la posición de Estados Unidos en el mundo ¡Y más! Este libro dejará atrás el ruido de los medios de comunicación y revelará lo que estos no quieren cubrir, al mismo tiempo que le ayuda objetivamente a entender lo que el presidente de nuestra nación, el más distinto y no convencional, está logrando.

George Soros

Autor: Michael T. Kaufman

Número de Páginas: 447

El camino que lleva a un niño judío húngaro del Budapest ocupado durante la segunda guerra mundial a convertirse en tiburón financiero y conquistador de las bolsas mundiales no resulta nada común. Este libro fascinante explica las múltiples facetas de su carácter, del brillante capitalista al provocador profesional y el filántropo accidental, y enseña que su secreto no ha consistido sólo en saber hacer dinero, sino en aprender a gestionarlo en un mundo globalizado.

Soros on Soros

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 344

George Soros Ends the Speculation "The outcome [of this book] is a summing up of my life's work. . . As I finish the book, I feel I have succeeded."-George Soros from the Preface Critical praise for Soros on Soros "If you have ever wanted to sit down for a candid conversation with a phenomenal financial success, George Soros's book provides the opportunity. You will meet a complex man and a first-rate mind."-Henry A. Kissinger "The best expert on Soros is undoubtedly George Soros! After all, who is better equipped to tell us what he really thinks and how he thinks, a matter of some importance given the fact that he has translated a remarkable personal financial success into a truly generous and historically significant effort to promote postcommunist democracy." -Zbigniew Brzezinski "The best X-ray of the mind of the master yet." -Barton M. Biggs "George Soros brings a lot more to the world of finance than the intuition and nerve of a born trader-and in Soros on Soros he's no longer bashful about telling us about it. A philosopher at heart, George attributes his success at investing to a theory of the interaction of reality and human perception. What really drives the man now,...

The Soros Lectures

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 138

In a series of lectures at the Central European University in Budapest in October of 2009, George Soros provided a broad overview of his thoughts on economics and politics. The lectures are the culmination of a lifetime of practical and philosophical reflection. In the first and second lecture, Soros discusses his general theory of reflexivity and its application to financial markets, providing insights into the recent financial crisis. The third and fourth lectures examine the concept of open society, which has guided Soros's global philanthropy, as well as the potential for conflict between capitalism and open society. The closing lecture focuses on the way ahead, closely examining the increasingly important economic and political role that China will play in the future. The Soros Lectures presents these five seminal talks into one volume, which offers a condensed and highly readable summary of Soros' worldview.

Open Society Reforming Global Capitalism Reconsidered

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 400

George Soros's The Crisis of Global Capitalism became an international bestseller and an instant classic; a must read for anyone concerned with the complex market forces that rule our global economy and create both prosperity and instability. Now, in Open Society, Soros takes a new and provocative look at the arguments he made in that book, incorporating the latest global economic and political developments into his analysis. He shows how our economic and political arrangements are out of sync. Recognizing that our existing institutions are under the sway of sovereign states, he proposes an "open society alliance" with the dual purpose of fostering open societies in individual countries and laying the groundwork for a global open society. In leading up to his inspiring vision, Soros presents an iconoclastic view of the world that has guided him both in making money and spending it on his network of Open Society Foundations. This book sums up the life's work of an exceptional individual. George Soros is the best fund manager in history, a stateless statesman, and an original thinker.

The Influence of Soros

Autor: Emily Tamkin

Número de Páginas: 271

A seasoned journalist probes one of the right-wing’s favorite targets, Hungarian-American investor and philanthropist George Soros, to explore the genesis of his influence and the truth of the conspiracies that surround him. For years, hedge fund tycoon George Soros has been demonized by GOP politicians, fringe outlets, and right-wing media personalities, who claim Soros often manipulates the global economy and masterminds the radical left. He has been accused of using his billions to foment violence, support “white genocide,” and pay migrants to seek asylum in the United States. Right-wing media personalities have described him as working to hijack our democracy and undermine sovereignty. Left-leaning outlets, meanwhile, have suggested that his philanthropy is a distraction from the economic misery he himself has made. But who is George Soros? How did he make his money? What causes does he actually support? How did this billionaire become the right’s favorite target—used by elected officials sympathetic to the idea that their country’s opposition can be blamed on one man in the endless messaging war? How much of the hatred is driven by rising antisemitism? Though his...

The Bubble Of American Supremacy

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 232

World renowned businessman and philanthropist George Soros provides a pointed, astute, and intensely critical analysis of the Bush administration's foreign policy.

In Defense of Open Society

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 224

An impassioned defense of open society, academic and media freedom, and human rights. George Soros -- universally known for his philanthropy, progressive politics, and investment success--has been under sustained attack from the far right, nationalists, and anti-Semites in the United States and around the world because of his commitment to open society and liberal democracy. In this brilliant and spirited book, Soros brings together a vital collection of his writings, some never previously published. They deal with a wide range of important and timely topics: the dangers that the instruments of control produced by artificial intelligence and machine learning pose to open societies; what Soros calls his "political philanthropy"; his founding of the Central European University, one of the world's foremost defender of academic freedom; his philosophy; his boom/bust theory of financial markets and its policy implications; and what he calls the tragedy of the European Union. Soros's forceful affirmation of freedom, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, social justice, and social responsibility as a universal idea is a clarion call-to-arms for the ideals of open society.

Treinta inmensas fortunas y como se hicieron

Autor: Sergio A. Berumen , Karen Arriaza Ibarra

Número de Páginas: 159

En sus años mozos Henry A. Kissinger, quien fuera emblemático Secretario de Estado en los gobiernos de Richard Nixon y Gerald Ford y, en general, una prominente figura del escenario internacional durante las décadas de los sesenta a los ochenta, se caracterizó por ser un Don Juan. En una ocasión un periodista le preguntó cuál era el secreto de su éxito con las mujeres, a lo que sin rodeos respondió: "El poder, el poder es el mejor afrodisíaco". Probablemente tenía razón. El dinero, como el poder, es otro potente afrodisíaco. El hecho de comprar billetes de lotería o de apostar en la quiniela, es una forma de evidenciar lo interesados que estamos en hacernos con dinero, y mejor si es rápidamente. Curiosamente tendemos a darle excesivo valor al dinero, y queremos pensar que si tuviésemos grandes cuentas en el banco nuestros problemas, simplemente, desaparecerían. Este libro expone las vidas de treinta millonarios y de la forma como hicieron su dinero. Su objetivo es que el lector se entere cómo, personas que en principio eran comunes y corrientes (si bien dotadas de fuertes dosis de astucia, osadía, y quizás también de temeridad) alcanzaron sus ambiciosos...

Underwriting Democracy

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 280

During the 1970s, George Soros, the Hungarian-born financier, funded opposition movements under Communist regimes. Here, he recounts his efforts to further the cause of democracy in eastern Europe, and calls for the Soviet economy to be restructured around a hard currency.


Autor: Raul Chao

Número de Páginas: 0

Esta es la historia de György Schwartz, hoy conocido como George Soros. Sin necesariamente ser el más rico de los potentados del mundo, George Soros es el más intrigante, presuntuoso y arrogante, que no vacila en admitir que... "... el gran sueño de mi vida, al cual he dedicado mis mejores años y fortuna, es transformar al mundo en una sociedad homogénea y universal, que se rija por modelos, gustos y leyes que estén de acuerdo con mis criterios y discernimiento personal..."

El canario en la mina

Autor: Cecilia Denot

Número de Páginas: 362

El antisemitismo está aumentando de forma alarmante en todo el mundo. Los judíos son atacados en las calles de ciudades como Nueva York y París, acosados en campus universitarios occidentales, asesinados en sinagogas, escuelas judías y locales kósher en lugares como Nueva Jersey, Toulouse, Pittsburgh y Jerusalén, y atacados a pedradas en la Patagonia argentina. Son culpados por fenómenos tan diversos como los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001, la pandemia de COVID-19, el racismo y la caída en las tasas de natalidad occidentales; llamados genocidas, colonialistas y asesinos de niños. Cada vez que hay una escalada en el conflicto árabe-israelí, sinagogas, cementerios, instituciones y personas judías sufren violencia en todo el mundo. Como los canarios que se utilizaban en las minas para detectar la presencia de gases peligrosos antes de que fueran letales para los mineros, el odio hacia los judíos funciona como una advertencia de que el extremismo y el odio en general están creciendo en una sociedad, es un signo de un problema mucho más amplio. Con esta perspectiva, Cecilia Denot busca desmentir los principales mitos y frases hechas que circulan popularmente sobre...

La tormenta financiera : por qué los mercados sólo pueden sobrevivir con reglas

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 193

Primas de riesgo desbocadas, recetas improvisadas para salir de la crisis, proclamas apocalípticas... La enloquecida actualidad financiera, sin tiempo para la reflexión, pide a gritos espacios como el que aquí dedica George Soros, una de las mentes financieras más reconocidas en todo el mundo, a diagnosticar en tiempo real la política económica de los últimos años en Estados Unidos y Europa. Realizando una suerte de enmienda a la totalidad a las tesis del thatcherismo adoptadas también por Reagan en los años ochenta, según las cuales el mercado se regula solo, sin intervención del Estado, Soros sostiene que es la supresión de las normas y los sistemas de control sobre el mercado lo que ha provocado el descontrol y el fraude; algo que, unido al gasto manirroto de ciertos países, ha generado una deuda tóxica que está en el origen de la crisis.A lo largo de esta treintena de ensayos, escritos entre 2008 y 2011, Soros, una voz de un peso específico y una autoridad difícilmente discutibles, propone que nos detengamos y pongamos en perspectiva lo ocurrido desde el estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria, a la vez que inyecta una dosis de sentido común a la realidad de...


Autor: Tivadar Soros

Número de Páginas: 331

A powerful, moving, and very personal memoir of "dancing around death" under the Nazi regime, by the father of billionaire financier George Soros. "Life is beautiful," begins Tividar Soros in this powerful and very personal memoir. "But luck must be on your side." Nevertheless, when faced with the daunting task of protecting his family during the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Soros, the father of billionaire financier George Soros, made his own luck.

Marihuana oficial

Autor: Guillermo Draper , Christian Müller Sienra

Número de Páginas: 182

El relato de un experimento que quedará para la historia, tanto si tiene éxito como si fracasa. Desde que José Mujica recorrió cuarteles para ver dónde podía plantar marihuana hasta que el cannabis echó raíces en un predio estatal pasaron más de tres años y una elección. La venta de la droga en farmacias completa un sistema único que rompe con décadas de prohibición y le disputa al narcotráfico uno de sus mercados. Una investigación periodística con más de cuarenta entrevistados, Marihuana oficial cuenta qué llevó al gobierno de Uruguay a embarcar a un pequeño país en un viaje desconocido. En sus páginas hay narcos, policías, activistas, políticos, empresarios y exguerrilleros; los protagonistas de un experimento que quedará en la historia si tiene éxito y también si fracasa.

The Tragedy of the European Union

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 208

The European Union could soon be a thing of the past. Xenophobia is rampant and commonly reflected in elections across the continent. Great Britain may hold a referendum on whether to abandon the union altogether. Spurred by anti-EU sentiments due to the euro crisis, national interests conflict with a shared vision for the future of Europe. Is it too late to preserve the union that generated unprecedented peace for more than half a century? This is no mere academic question with limited importance for America and the rest of the world. In the past decade, the EU has declined from a unified global power to a fractious confederation of states with staggering unemployment resentfully seeking relief from a reluctant Germany. If the EU collapses and the former member states are transformed again from partners into rivals, the US and the world will confront the serious economic and political consequences that follow. In a series of revealing interviews conducted by Dr. Gregor Peter Schmitz, George Soros -- a man of vast European experience whose personal past informs his present concerns -- offers trenchant commentary and concise, prescriptive advice: The euro crisis was not an...

The Crisis Of Global Capitalism

Autor: George Soros

Número de Páginas: 288

The global economy, on which the world now depends more than ever, is in crisis. The Russian economy has collapsed, leading to punishing inflation and economic hardship. Scores of Japanese banks are in ruin while the Japanese government muddles along, the nation falling deeper and deeper into recession. The once-booming economies of Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia have imploded. Brazil and the rest of Latin America has begun to edge toward the precipice, and even in Europe and America the markets lurch violently, wiping out gains with each passing week. No one is better positioned to explain the current global financial crisis than George Soros, the man Morgan Stanley head Barton Biggs calls "the finest analyst of the world in our time." In The Crisis of Global Capitalism, Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management (whose Quantum Fund is considered to have been the best performing investment fund in the world over the past thirty years), dissects the current crisis and economic theory in general, revealing how theoretical assumptions have combined with human behavior to lead to today's mess. He shows how unquestioning faith in market forces blinds us to crucial instabilities, and...

Covid-19 Hacia la Nueva Normalidad

Autor: Javier Salinas Ramos

Número de Páginas: 141

COVID-19 HACIA LA NUEVA NORMALIDAD ¿Esta pandemia estaba anunciada? ¿El virus ha sido creado en un laboratorio? ¿Comienza una nueva fase de las élites capitalistas para doblegar Estados y provocar un nuevo orden bajo una gobernanza única y global? ¿Bill Gates o George Soros están detrás de alguno de estos asuntos? ¿Podría la sociedad vivir permanentemente bajo el yugo de un Estado mundial totalitario como planteó en los años 40 el escritor George Orwell en su aclamada novela distópica 1984? ¿El papel de la OMS ha sido determinante para frenar el virus o para que se extienda rápidamente? ¿La OMS es una organización manejada por el gran capital y actúa según sus intereses? ¿La Unión Europea corre peligro? ¿Y la soberanía de naciones como España? COVID-19: HACIA LA NUEVA NORMALIDAD es un ensayo apto para todos los públicos, pero en especial para aquellos que tengan una mente abierta.

George Soros: The Biography of a Controversial Man, Financial Market Crashes, Open Society Ideas and His Global Secret Shadow Networ

Autor: United Library

Número de Páginas: 0

George Soros is one of the most controversial and well-known figures in the world. Soros has had a long and successful career as a hedge fund manager, but he is best known for his philanthropy and support of open society ideals. George Soros is one of the most controversial men in the world. He is a philanthropist, philosopher, and businessman with a net worth of over $8 billion. He was born in Hungary in 1930 to a wealthy family. He survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and emigrated to the United States in 1956. He graduated from the London School of Economics and began his career as a hedge fund manager. Soros is best known for his role in causing the 1992 British Pound crisis and for his support of liberal causes. In recent years, he has been accused of meddling in domestic politics in countries such as the United States, Hungary, and Russia. He has also been accused of being a puppet master behind a global network of secret shadow organizations. Whether you love him or hate him, there is no denying that George Soros is a powerful and influential man. This book tells the story of Soros' life, from his early childhood to his role in the current global political landscape. It...

The Sages

Autor: Charles R. Morris

Número de Páginas: 224

Throughout the violent financial disruptions of the past several years, three men have stood out as beacons of judgment and wisdom: Warren Buffett, George Soros, and Paul Volcker. Though their experiences and styles vary -- Buffett is the canny stock market investor; Soros is the reader of shifting global tides in trade and currencies; and Volcker is the regulator and governor, sheriff and clean-up crew -- they have very much in common. All three men have more than fifty years of deep involvement in markets. All are skeptical of Wall Street frenzies. They believe that markets tend to be right, but usually only over the medium term. They have seen too many cycles of herd-driven, emotion-riding booms and busts to make their views hostage to the sweeping and simplistic assumptions of "efficient-markets" models. With the benefit of his own deep understanding of markets and finance, Morris brilliantly analyzes the records of these men, distilling their wisdom and experience -- and argues for the importance of consistent values in navigating the treacherous terrain of today's globalized world.

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