Gente Pez Libros

Referencia de libros en español. Novedades y clásicos de siempre.

Número total de libros encontrados: 38 para tu búsqueda.

Scar Tissue

Autor: Anthony Kiedis

Número de Páginas: 511

Scar Tissue es la autobiografía del cantante y carismático lider de los Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis, desde su nacimiento en 1962 hasta hoy. Sus experiencias con la drogadicción y con el estrellato, y las peleas con las que se enfrenta en la actualidad. Criado en el Medio Oeste, se trasladó a Los Ángeles a los once años a vivir con su padre, Blackie, proveedor de pastillas, marihuana y cocaína para la élite de Hollywood. Tras una breve carrera en la Universidad de California se retiró y se sumergió en el mundo de la música underground de Los Ángeles. Formó la banda con tres compañeros de colegio. Recorriendo el país, los Chili Peppers innovaron el panorama musical e influyeron de manera decisiva a toda una generación de músicos. Más de veinte años después, contra todo pronóstico, se han convertido en una de las bandas más exitosas del mundo. Pero todo tiene su precio y Kiedis nos muestra sus cicatrices, escribiendo con franqueza sobre la muerte por sobredosis de su alma gemela y compañero de banda, Hillel Slovak, o de su propia lucha contra la adicción. Desde la influencia de las mujeres fuertes y hermosas que han sido sus musas, hasta las...

¡Acción! Filmando películas (Action! Making Movies) 6-Pack

Autor: Sarah Garza

Número de Páginas: 36

Action! It's time to enter the world of movie magic! readers are taken behind the scenes to find out what is needed to make a film. From the director to the actor, the director of photography to the costume designer, children will be fascinated to learn about the various aspects that go into motion pictures. With its vivid images, informational text, and impressive facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title will have readers engaged through the entire book as they discover amazing facts about their favorite genre--whether it be comedy, drama, action, or horror! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Diccionario Bilingue Cambridge Spanish-English Paperback Compact Edition

Autor: Cambridge University Press

Número de Páginas: 1220

A Spanish-English bilingual dictionary specifically written to meet the needs of Spanish learners of English. The best bilingual dictionary of Spanish and English for beginner to upper-intermediate learners. It has been especially written to meet the needs of Spanish speakers learning English and includes over 110,000 headwords and phrases, as well as a wealth of information geared specifically to enhance understanding and improve communication skills in English. It includes extensive notes highlighting the most common mistakes made by Hispanic learners (informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus). The grammar boxes concentrate on the most difficult and problematic aspects of learning English.

Fortalecimiento institucional de productos frutihortícolas:Informe 5.10

Número de Páginas: 680

Diccionario Bilingue Cambridge Spanish-English Paperback with CD-ROM Compact Edition

Autor: Cambridge University Press

Número de Páginas: 1240

A Spanish-English bilingual dictionary specifically written to meet the needs of Spanish learners of English.


Autor: David Alexander Robertson

Número de Páginas: 32

Scars introduce White Cloud, a young Plains Cree boy, in the year 1870, when the last great smallpox epidemic swept through the prairies. After witnessing, one by one, the death of his entire family from the illness, he summons the strength to journey on to find a new home and deliver himself from the terrible disease. But will he make it? Scars follows White Cloud and the people he encounters, as he struggles to survive against impossible odds. The book also reconnects readers to Edwin, a lost young man on his own quest who was introduced in book 1, Stone. By learning about the bravery and perseverance of his ancestor White Cloud, Edwin summons his own courage and travels to confront the main source of his despair: the father he barely knows. Scars is the second book in the graphic novel series, 7 Generations. Books in the series: Book 1: Stone (published) introduces Edwin, a young man who must discover his family s past if he is to have any future. Book 3: Ends/Begins (forthcoming) features the story of Edwin s father and his residential-school experience. Book 4: The Pact (forthcoming) is a story of redemption, as father and son reconcile their past and begin a new journey.

A New Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages: Spanish and English

Autor: Henry Neuman

Número de Páginas: 794


Autor: Robert H. Cobean , Alba Guadalupe Mastache

Número de Páginas: 462

Detailed reconstruction of patterns of activities in a complex Postclassic household near Tula. Includes complete data on artifact and ecofact assemblages and their spatial distributions within the bounds of the household. Complete text in English and Spanish.

Stefan Brüggemann - To be political it has to look nice

Autor: Kenneth Goldsmith , Santiago B. Olmo , Glenn O'brien , Jérôme Sans

Número de Páginas: 180

Arte y performance

Autor: Pedro Alberto Cruz Sánchez

Número de Páginas: 797

La presente obra constituye el primer esfuerzo riguroso y omniabarcador por desarrollar un relato histórico de la performance desde las experiencias que salpicaron las vanguardias hasta las formulaciones más contemporáneas.En primer lugar, se ofrece un amplio análisis sobre la presencia que las estrategias performativas tuvieron en las vanguardias históricas. Identifica después aquellas rupturas que se produjeron en el seno de la «modernidad» tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial y que condujeron a la eclosión de movimientos tan decisivos como el happening y el Fluxus. Aborda a continuación el surgimiento y desarrollo de la performance posmoderna, fruto del descentramiento del sujeto, y, finalmente, analiza la reformulación de los lenguajes performativos en el actual contexto de la globalización.En estas páginas, el autor analiza con maestría el zigzagueante itinerario trazado por las llamadas «artes vivas», también desde un punto de vista poscolonial; traza un amplio arco que desborda las estrechas concepciones, privativas de Occidente, que han ahormado con frecuencia las narrativas de la performance y se adentra en la intensa y prolija praxis artística desarrollada en ...

Sea of Scars

Autor: Adriana Mara

Número de Páginas: 133

When you are drowning in a broken heart, how do you feel love again? Sea of Scars is the debut book of contemporary Canadian poet, Adriana Mara. Divided into four chapters, she shares a collection of poems on drowning, sinking, rising, and swimming in the sea of love. Based on her depth of personal experience in heartbreak, depression, lust, and passion, she teaches you to find beauty in your scars. You’ll feel and embrace your own experiences as you read these verses and find hope and excitement in the power of your heart.

Hidden Scars

Autor: J'naye Wise

Número de Páginas: 156

The book What Lies Behind Her Smile, is a variety of poems written on love, heartache, forgiveness, passion, family rivalry, abuse, and our society today. J’Naye started writing poetry throughout her childhood when she became a foster child in high school. “I was always the shy girl that was well dressed and had a beautiful smile, but I was afraid to make new friends so I held a lot of things in. Writing became an escape mechanism and a great coping skill through tough situations. I have written over 450 poems in the past seven years, but the ones published and shared with you in this book are ones that really stuck out to me the most and had the most emotion behind them. After having my son four years ago I slowed down in writing and focused on my career and motherhood. But I will never stop being a natural writer.”

Dar nombres a la lluvia

Autor: Alan West , Mark Schafer

Número de Páginas: 142

"Bilingual collection by Cuban-born (1953) poet, essayist, writer, and translator, whose family has resided in Puerto Rico since 1963. Many translations by poet himself, which makes possible an interesting bilingual reading in terms of language, memory, repression, sexuality, flight, and exile. En face. See also West's 'My Life with Fidel Castro' in Bridges to Cuba (item #bi2001000699#)"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Scarred for Life

Autor: Ted Meyer

Número de Páginas: 122

Ted Meyer has created a collection of stunning images of human scars that are shocking, often beautiful and consistently compelling. Meyer leaves the brave and unflinching storytelling to his subjects and helps them document their history and experience through colorful prints taken from their scars.

Beauty in Your Scars

Autor: Jinia Johnson

This book takes you through painful times and helps to understand the importance of appreciating your scars and seeing the good in painful times.


Autor: Peter Meinke

Número de Páginas: 111

Peter Meinke is one of the most readable poets. The surface clarity of his lines and his aptness for metaphor make these poems accessible and mysterious. They have real subjects - Dessert Storm and acorns, coffee and Tolstoy - but at the same time give entry to that interior world where all feelings and moralities grow.

Scarred for Life

Autor: Jeannette J. Williams

This is a book about physical scars and the stories behind the scars. Many of the scars were from accidents or diseases, some were the result of life threatening events and others were humorous. We all like to talk about our scars as though the are a badge of courage or a rite of passage. I invite you to take a sneak preview. Jeannette


Autor: Joan J. Bell

Número de Páginas: 199

"Bell has left me gasping for air in awe of her ability to express the inner suffering and ultimate enlightenment of the soul after passing through times of grave darkness." - David Leidy This collection of poetry is a raw and emotionally gripping tale told through a loose narrative style and imbued with Bell's passion and personality. It retains a beautiful and haunting style of composition in which we are given an unfettered look into the thought processes -however different than our own- of mental illness and the brutal honesty of it. The often lyrical style and lightness of the rhyme arrangements that juxtapose the weight of the concepts discussed within are powerful and unique among contemporary poems. Amazon Categories: Poetry Poetry for Teens & Young Adults Death, Grief & Loss Women's Poetry Mental Health Poetry

Flowering Plants from Cuban Gardens

Autor: Woman's Club Of Havana. Garden Section

Número de Páginas: 318

Perfect Scars

Autor: Beverley Corlett , Jill Lacina , Rosemary Paul

Número de Páginas: 90

PERFECT SCARS tells the stories of people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer through striking photography and inspirational words. The book's narrative is illuminating and transforming for women and men who have been touched by breast cancer. By presenting the physical scars of breast cancer sensitively and artistically, we can help to normalise the physical impact of breast cancer for survivors, their families and friends. The images are real and beautiful and are supported by the personal narrative. The photography unveils the continued beauty of the altered physical form and the survivors' acceptance of their bodies. The personal stories take the reader on a journey to understand the challenges survivors face in coming to this place of peace.

Scars Wide Open

Autor: Jeff Cairo

Número de Páginas: 0

A scar is a reminder that we healed from something painful. When we lose someone, the feeling of loss will come and go for the rest of our lives. There is always a moment when we never get to say our final words. If you had one chance to write a letter to someone who has passed. What would you say?


Autor: Jacqueline J. Worrell

Número de Páginas: 64

Most everyone has experienced a horrific event that left him or her with some sort of scar. Some tragedies, such as that author Jacqueline Worrell experienced, leave physical scars. Others leave, or become, emotional and mental scars. But the truth of the matter is, you have no control over the past and cannot let it dictate your future. Regardless of what has happened, you do not have to become bitter or angry like the person who hurt you. You can be better, if you open your heart and allow God to show you how those scars are a part of his purpose for your life. Join new author Jacqueline Worrell in Scars: The Beauty Within—an emotional account of one woman's struggle with beauty and self-esteem. Let Jacqueline's story inspire you to stop letting your scars keep you from fulfilling God's will for your life.

Diógenes Ballester, paintings and drawings

Autor: Diógenes Ballester

Número de Páginas: 56

Diccionario de Las Lenguas Española E Inglesa

Autor: Henry Neuman , Giuseppe Baretti

Número de Páginas: 948

A Scar Is Special

Autor: Gabrielle Snider

Número de Páginas: 20

Do you have a scar? How did it happen? Did you have surgery, fall off your bike, or maybe you were in an accident. Scars are usually caused by scary things, but do not be ashamed of your scar. Wear it with pride! Your scar means you are strong, resilient, and unique. Your scar is special!


Número de Páginas: 280

Contributions to ethnology and linguistics, archaeology, and physical anthropology of Indian America.

The Scar

Autor: Charlotte Moundlic

Número de Páginas: 32

With tenderness, touches of humour and unflinching emotional truth, Charlotte Moundlic captures the loneliness of grief through the eyes of a child, rendered with sympathy and charm in Olivier Tallec's expressive illustrations.

Scars Set in Stone

Autor: Shenaia Lucas

Número de Páginas: 128

Scars Set In Stone is an exquisite collection of poetry divided into four chapters. Each chapter serves a different purpose. The chapters are For The Scarred, For the Loving, For the Oppressed, and For the Healing. This book teaches you to love yourself and others. It teaches the difficulty of dealing with past traumas and the journey towards healing, despite when it feels as if your scars are set in stone. It's better experienced than described, so sit down with some coffee and allow yourself to feel-- and heal.

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