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Referencia de libros en español. Novedades y clásicos de siempre.

Número total de libros encontrados: 40 para tu búsqueda.

Twisted hate

Autor: Ana Huang

Número de Páginas: 452

Hij haat haar... bijna net zo erg als hij haar wil. Josh Chen is knap, arrogant en hard op weg een supersuccesvolle dokter te worden. Geen enkele vrouw is immuun voor zijn charmes, behalve Jules Ambrose... De twee kunnen elkaar niet uitstaan. Wanneer hun strijd eindigt in een onvergetelijke nacht stelt Josh een oplossing voor in de hoop Jules voor eens en voor altijd los te kunnen laten: ze worden vijanden met benefits. De regels zijn simpel: geen jaloezie, geen verplichtingen, en absoluut niet verliefd worden. *** De extraverte en ambitieuze Jules Ambrose richt zich op één ding: advocaat worden. Het laatste waar ze op zit te wachten, is tijd doorbrengen met een onuitstaanbare dokter... hoe goed die er dan ook uitziet. Maar hoe beter ze Josh leert kennen, hoe meer ze zich realiseert dat hij heel anders is dan ze eerst dacht. De vonken vliegen in het rond tussen de twee. Net wanneer ze denken dat ze elkaar een beetje begrijpen, komen er pijnlijke zaken uit het verleden naar boven die ze liever verborgen hadden gehouden. Durven ze eerlijk tegen elkaar te zijn, of laten ze leugens alles vernietigen? Twisted hate is het derde deel van de supersuccesvolle Twisted-serie van Ana Huang. ...

Twisted Hate - Special Edition

Autor: Ana Huang

Número de Páginas: 520

He hates her...almost as much as he wants her. Gorgeous, cocky, and fast on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, Josh Chen has never met a woman he couldn't charm-except for Jules f*cking Ambrose. The beautiful redhead has been a thorn in his side since they met, but she also consumes his thoughts in a way no woman ever has. When their animosity explodes into one unforgettable night, he proposes a solution that'll get her out of his system once and for all: an enemies with benefits arrangement with simple rules. No jealousy. No strings attached. And absolutely no falling in love. ** Outgoing and ambitious, Jules Ambrose is a former party girl who's focused on one thing: passing the attorney's bar exam. The last thing she needs is to get involved with a doctor who puts the SUFFER in matter how good-looking he is. But the more she gets to know him, the more she realizes there's more than meets the eye to the man she's hated for so long. Her best friend's brother. Her nemesis. And her only salvation. Theirs is a match made in hell, and when the demons from their past catch up with them, they're faced with truths that could either save them ...or destroy everything...

Moonlit Odyssey

Autor: Aaisha Daniel

Número de Páginas: 175

In the depths of the Moonlit escapades, where reality entwines with the cosmic unknown, Mon's odyssey begins. Haunted by her own insanity and a malevolent manager, she seeks refuge in artificial intelligence. As the Moonlit escapades unfold, guided by glitches turned malevolent, Emily descends into a cosmic nightmare.* In this psychological thriller, "Moonlit Odyssey," follow Mon's journey through celestial landscapes and astral nexuses. Each chapter reveals the cosmic forces shaping her destiny, but the calculated directives and glitches transform into harbingers of horror. As the Moonlit escapades warp into a chilling abyss, Mon faces existential questions about the nature of reality, destiny, and her role as a custodian of luminous energies. In the end, does she find answers, or does the celestial ballet remain an eternal enigma? Explore the boundaries of sanity and cosmic revelation in this chilling tale. The echoes of the Moonlit Odyssey linger, inviting you to contemplate the threads that bind destinies within the luminous embrace of the celestial abyss. Will you dare to emb

Tú Renacimiento

Autor: Edwin A. López

La información que te hará más peligroso en League of Legends… (Avalado por Challengers) El 76% de los jugadores que han leído este libro, afirmaron haber ganado un cambio radical en sus clasificatorias instantáneamente después de haberlo terminado… Por favor continúa leyendo. Tú Renacimiento es una nueva y novedosa obra que hará poderoso a todo invocador que ingiera y se forme en sus palabras. A diferencia de cualquier otro libro o guía, Tú Renacimiento te garantizará los siguientes beneficios: § Te expondrá las 21 Mecánicas Esenciales del juego § Te preparará para adaptarte y responder velozmente ante cualquier tipo de escenario § Te mostrará el camino a la élite y te explicará el cómo llegar a ser parte del selecto grupo § Te propondrá una estrategia para tu modo de juego actual: carril y campeón § Te ayudará a seleccionar a un campeón que sea compatible con tu persona y así que logres mainear § Te enseñará el cómo controlar la ira y frustración por derrotas § Te eliminará todas las creencias que han estado ahogando tu crecimiento a lo largo de tu carrera § Te cambiará la actitud pesimista y de pérdida por una positiva y de triunfo §...

El pensamiento conspiranoico

Autor: Noel Ceballos

Número de Páginas: 243

¿De dónde surge el pensamiento conspiranoico? ¿Por qué tanta gente está convencida de que un pequeño y poderoso grupo de personas maneja el mundo en secreto y en contra de los intereses de la gente de a pie? ¿Qué razones tenemos para creer que la civilización tal y como la conocemos está al borde del colapso y que se aproxima un nuevo orden mundial? ¿Es Bill Gates el culpable de todo lo que ocurre en nuestro planeta? Para Noel Ceballos, la conspiranoia es un marco paranoico con el que enfrentarse a un mundo cada vez más complejo y caótico. Una fórmula mágica con la que reordenar la cacofonía informativa cotidiana hasta dar con una narración satisfactoria. Pero las teorías conspirativas actuales no son nuevas, sino meras actualizaciones de elaboradísimas falsedades o burdas mentiras —con apariencia de verdad— que llevan siglos circulando por las sociedades occidentales. Desde la Revolución francesa hasta el coronavirus, pasando por los Illuminati, los ovnis, el asesinato de JFK, el terraplanismo, el MK-Ultra, el cambio climático, Facebook, el 5G o la oscura sombra del antisemitismo, este libro viaja del pasado al presente para crear una suerte de Teoría...

Twisted Love

Autor: Chris Bartholomew

Número de Páginas: 246

Hate. An all-consuming emotion that blinds people to reality, reasonable thought, often reasonable behaviour. Hate. Hatred. Loathing. Detestation. Whatever the name, whatever the word, the object of that hate became unbearable. - Excerpt from "Burning Love" by Dorothy Davies

Robin Williams, American Master

Autor: Stephen Spignesi

Número de Páginas: 294

Did you know that, according to director Chris Columbus, Robin Williams improvised so much during the filming of Mrs. Doubtfire that the studio had enough footage to release PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 versions of the movie? Or that Robin ad-libbed all his lines in Good Morning, Vietnam because the DJ the movie was based on didn’t really do comedy during his shows? Robin Williams, American Master looks at Robin’s seventy movies, from his earliest appearance in Can I Do It…’Til I Need Glasses? to his final posthumous voice-only appearance in Absolutely Anything. Each film is discussed in detail, with special emphasis on Robin’s performances and how they exist in the context of his entire body of work. Robin Williams, American Master is the perfect tour guide through Robin’s epic collection of cinematic genius.

The Neglected Poetry

Autor: Maria Luisa González Biosca

Número de Páginas: 328

This book collects for the first time a compendium of poems written in English by brigadists, sanitary personnel and journalists that participated or were involved in the Spanish Civil War, as well as by intellectuals, writers and journalists that supported the republican cause from the outside. The anthology starts from a previous historical framework in which this poetic legacy has been contextualized, to know where, when, how and why these poems were written, and who wrote them or who were their protagonists. All these analyses have served to understand the causes of why this poetic legacy has been denied and has not received the recognition it deserves today.

I Am Hate

Autor: Ethan Cross

Número de Páginas: 503

'Francis Ackerman [is] a manipulative monster with a corrupt conscience' THE TIMES Most people hate me. But everyone remembers me. In San Francisco, a ruthless criminal syndicate is building an empire on spilt blood. Among their number is 'The Gladiator'. No ordinary contract killer, the Gladiator sees himself as a modern-day Genghis Khan, determined to carve his very name onto the evolution of mankind. To stop him Ackerman and Williams face him in an arena of death where violence is inflicted for profit and pleasure. This is the Gladiator's domain, a realm in which he is undefeated... but then he's never encountered Ackerman before. Praise for Ethan Cross: 'The surprises are fast and furious and will leave you breathless to read more' LISA GARDNER 'A fast paced, all too real thrillerwith a villain right out of James Patterson and Criminal Minds' ANDREW GROSS 'A great mix of gruesome murders, a psychotic killer, revenge and great writing' CRIMESQUAD


Autor: Fernando Galicia Poblet

Número de Páginas: 619

Meticuloso ensayo que repasa punto por punto todo el desarrollo del heavy metal en España, empezando por sus orígenes en los años setenta, la época dorada de los ochenta y su devenir con el paso de los años. Un volumen imprescindible tanto para expertos y apasionados en la materia como para aquellos que pretenden zambullirse en una género musical que acabó convertiéndose en un auténtico estilo de vida. Fernando García Poblet es un autor español, doctorado en Historia y Ciencias de la Música por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y profesor superior de Guitarra por el Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. Periodista cultural y crítico musical, está especializado en el heavy metal, género al que dedica sus colaboraciones en revistas como Rock Star, Red Hard N'Heavy o Empire Magazine.

Biblia bilingüe / Bilingual Bible NTV/NLT

Número de Páginas: 8604

La verdad con claridad en inglés y en español Por primera vez, los textos de la New Living Translation en inglés y de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español están disponibles en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales y modernas presentan la Palabra de Dios de una manera precisa y fiel usando un lenguaje cálido, atractivo y de fácil compresión que le hablará directamente al corazón. The Truth Made Clear in English and Spanish For the first time, the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish are available together in a parallel format. These two wonderful and modern translations present God’s Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart.

Análisis de género en los estudios irlandeses

Autor: María Elena Jaime De Pablos

Número de Páginas: 127

Análisis de género en los estudios irlandeses es una colección de ensayos realizados por docentes e investigadores de distintas universidades españolas que destacan en el ámbito académico por sus aportaciones al campo de los estudios irlandeses. Los trabajos que presentan en este volumen examinan, desde la óptica de género, diversos aspectos de la historia y de la literatura irlandesas de los últimos siglos.

I Am Hate

Autor: R. J. Lambert

Número de Páginas: 118

There are many times we wonder what would happen if we lost all control over our emotions and acted on them, especially the bad ones. Most of us do not act on our hatred because of our laws and morality, but if those laws and morally weren't in play, then what? There were many people who have pushed me to the brink, which made me ponder what I could do to them if I abandoned my morality and just went forward on pure emotion. Thinking of it is disturbing. Acting on it is frightening. Ron is a man who lived a less-than-happy life, but he was a very talented artist. He was so desperate for happiness he went into a marriage blindly. The one saving grace to a horrible marriage is a loving child. Sometimes even having one saving grace can't save you from going to the dark path. And if you do, you forfeit the people who bring light to that darkness. If anyone can walk away with one thing from Ron, it's that the light will always destroy the darkness. He learned too late and struggled to recapture that light for just one moment.

Metallica - Furia, Sonido y Velocidad

Autor: Matías Recis , Daniel Gaguine

Número de Páginas: 456

Esta es la historia de Metallica, uno de los fenómenos más importantes del metal. Con más de 100 millones de discos vendidos, esta banda originaria de Los Ángeles simboliza como ninguna la pasión por el sonido y la locura del metal. El libro traza un recorrido cronológico por su trayectoria biográfica, sus discos, videoclips, anécdotas y curiosidades de esta magnífica banda. Sus letras son analizadas por dos especialistas musicales que además completan el libro con un singular apéndice en el que se detalla los instrumentos, efectos y amplificadores utilizados en cada período y disco de este poderoso grupo. "Un periodista anglosajón escribía hace dos semanas que 'Death Magnetic es el equivalente musical a la invasión rusa de Georgia, un repentino acto de agresión de un gigante dormido'. Es un sugerente y provocativo símil: pero el metal o heavy no es sinónimo de violencia, aunque sus coordenadas estéticas invitan a pensar lo contrario; y desde esta perspectiva reivindicativa Metallica es un ejemplo de extraordinaria buena música." Esteban Linés en La Vanguardia, sobre Death Magnetic "Es el único grupo de la historia del metal que trepó hasta lo más alto de...

Love and Hate

Autor: Ryan Armstrong

World War II: A young Nazi guard stationed in a ghetto in Regensburg, Germany finds himself in a time and place that he hates. He has never directly participated in the bloodletting but has done nothing to stop it. He wonders if his soul can be saved. He saves a Jewish girl's life when ordered to murder her. He refuses despite the consequences. Perhaps the girl he saved can save him? Maybe she can be the key to his redemption and a light for his soul, to guide the way home.

Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas española é inglesa ...

Autor: Thomas Connelly

Número de Páginas: 990

The Lust of Hate

Autor: Guy Newell Boothby

Número de Páginas: 190

Further adventures of Dr. Nikola. "Whoever wants dramatic interest let him read 'The Lust of Hate.'"--The Daily Graphic. Mr. Boothby is at his best in this romance, which is characterized by unflagging interest and by most stirring adventures in which Dr. Nikola plays a leading part. "Dr. Nikola" was considered "one of the most thrilling stories ever published."Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or need any help you can just send an email to This book is found as a public domain and free book based on various online catalogs, if you think there are any problems regard copyright issues please contact us immediately via

Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas española e inglesa en quatro tomos. Esta parte tiene el castellano antes del Inglés ...

Autor: Tomás Conelly (o.p.)

Número de Páginas: 984

The Lust of Hate

Autor: Guy Newell Boothby

Número de Páginas: 200

The Lust of Hate By Guy Newell Boothby In this the third of Boothby's Dr. Nikola novels, Nikola applies his almost hypnotic persuasion to convince an out-of-luck Australian, formerly from England, named Gilbert Pennethorne to assist Nikola unwittingly in an evil scheme. Nikola takes advantage of Pennethorne's intense desire for revenge against a former boss in Australia who stole information about the location of a gold field that would have made Pennethorne immensely wealthy. Using that information the boss made himself rich, living a high life in London, while Pennethorne remained penniless. Nikola contrives a plan and a device for Pennethorne to commit the perfect murder of the wealthy thief. Unknowingly, Pennethorne thus becomes a party to another one of Nikola's insidious schemes.

The Hate Vow

Autor: C Hallman

Número de Páginas: 232

PennyI used to think that I was better than him. I thrived at a private school for gifted children, and he barely made it through the public school system. I was smarter, and I didn't miss an opportunity to let him know it. Then, I told a lie to get him in trouble and out of my way.Turns out, karma is a bitch.Five years later, my once oh so promising life is nothing more than a fading memory. I've hit rock bottom. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, fate has one more cruel twist in store for me.RyderI hated her from the moment we met. My hate has only grown over the years. I lost everything because of her, went to jail and became the man I am today.So, when she shows up at my club, unable to repay her debt, I can't believe my luck. She owes me more than the five grand, and I'm going to enjoy making her pay.**This is a DARK Romance, includes dub-con and non-con, not suitable for all readers**

Una cuestión de tiempo

Autor: W.j. May

Número de Páginas: 231

La secuela tan esperada de las Crónicas de Kerrigan, por la autora de éxitos de USA TODAY, W.J. May. Es ahora. El pasado no puede permanecer enterrado por siempre... Rae Kerrigan y sus amigos pensaban que todos sus problemas estaban resueltos. La corrupción en el Consejo había sido expuesta. Los híbridos habían sido liberados de sus injustas prisiones. Y Jonathon Cromfield, el endemoniado maestro de marionetas finalmente había sido derrotado. Con la promesa de un futuro con Devon, el amor de su vida, Rae desliza nuevamente su anillo en su dedo y vuelve su mirada hacia lo que le depara el futuro. Su corazón está lleno de esperanza. Excepto que el destino tiene otros planes...

Half Past Hate

Autor: Corinne Arrowood

Número de Páginas: 242

Half Past Hate is the second book in the Censored Time trilogy. Rainie and Michael's love story continues to deepen facing unexpected challenges with her ex-husband, Tom, and his law firm. Tom's poor decisions brings wrath on his life spilling over when Rainie involves herself in the mess by getting too close to the madness. Where there's smoke there's usually fire and she's about to get burned despite Michael's efforts in trying to keep her on track and away from the danger. Half Past Hate is a sizzling romance filled with mystery, murder, and debauchery, but as all romances...they live happily ever after.

Las Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes – The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Autor: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Número de Páginas: 576

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) creó el modelo más acabado de detective: Sherlock Holmes y su inseparable amigo y ayudante, el Dr. Watson. Su método deductivo para resolver cualquier enigma por difícil que se presentara, sobre un asesinato, robo o secuestro, se reveló infalible, quedando como modelo a seguir. Siempre con su lupa, su espectacular gorra y su capa de lana escocesa, sobresale entre la pléyade de grandes investigadores: Dupin, Hercules Poirot y el inspector Maigret, y una infinidad de personajes literarios. Contienen actividades de compresión lectora al final del libro. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.1px Verdana}

The Lust of Hate Annotated

Autor: Guy Newell Boothby

Número de Páginas: 256

In this the third of Boothby's Dr. Nikola novels, Nikola applies his almost hypnotic persuasion to convince an out-of-luck Australian, formerly from England, named Gilbert Pennethorne to assist Nikola unwittingly in an evil scheme. Nikola takes advantage of Pennethorne's intense desire for revenge against a former boss in Australia who stole information about the location of a gold field that would have made Pennethorne immensely wealthy. Using that information the boss made himself rich, living a high life in London, while Pennethorne remained penniless. Nikola contrives a plan and a device for Pennethorne to commit the perfect murder of the wealthy thief. Unknowingly, Pennethorne thus becomes a party to another one of Nikola's insidious schemes

Texas, 1917

Autor: José Talleyrand Rodríguez

Número de Páginas: 300

(Spanish and English Edition) Abril de 1917, el matemático e intelectual Alejandro López del Castillo muere abaleado por un grupo de Texas Rangers. Las causas del asesinato son un misterio. Una muerte más en el tiempo de La Matanza. Casi ochenta años después del crimen, una niña de seis años, la hija del teniente de policía Ignacio José Malpica, hace un dibujo: Sobre una banda de Mbius camina un gato amenazado por una cruz, un cometa y una serpiente. ‘Salven al gato’ pide la niña. ¿Quién es el gato? April 1917, mathematician and intellectual Alejandro López del Castillo dies shot by a group of Texas Rangers. The causes of the murder are a mystery. One more death in the time of La Matanza. Almost eighty years after the crime, a six-year-old girl, the daughter of police lieutenant Ignacio José Malpica, makes a drawing: On a Möbius strip walks a cat threatened by a cross, a comet and a snake. ‘Save the cat’ begs the little girl. Who is the cat?

A Twist of Hate

Autor: Crystal Hubbard

Número de Páginas: 212

"Golden boy" quarterback Camden Dougherty's involvement with smart and pretty new senior Siobhan Curran starts a chain of events that leads his self-proclaimed best friend, Michael Littlefield, on a path of jealous fury that results in terror for the whole school, particularly Siobhan, on opening night of the last school play. Failing to acknowledge his own role in his troubles, Michael focuses his rage and vengeance on the one person he blames for the losses of his friend, his starring role in the play, and his school, while demonstrating the insidiousness of prejudice and violence. Without providing easy solutions to difficult issues, A Twist of Hate is a timely and thoughtful illustration of the failure of personal accountability as well as the curative powers of hope and love.

The Lust of Hate Illustrated

Autor: Guy Newell Boothby

Número de Páginas: 256

In this the third of Boothby's Dr. Nikola novels, Nikola applies his almost hypnotic persuasion to convince an out-of-luck Australian, formerly from England, named Gilbert Pennethorne to assist Nikola unwittingly in an evil scheme. Nikola takes advantage of Pennethorne's intense desire for revenge against a former boss in Australia who stole information about the location of a gold field that would have made Pennethorne immensely wealthy. Using that information the boss made himself rich, living a high life in London, while Pennethorne remained penniless. Nikola contrives a plan and a device for Pennethorne to commit the perfect murder of the wealthy thief. Unknowingly, Pennethorne thus becomes a party to another one of Nikola's insidious schemes

Empire of Hate

Autor: Rina Kent

Número de Páginas: 372

NOTE: This is the special edition print of Empire of Hate. To find the ebook and audiobook, please look for the main edition. My boss. My enemy. I escaped my life. Leaving everything behind wasn't easy, but I did it. I turned the page and flew over the ocean. This is my new beginning. My new chapter. My new book. Or so I hoped before I met my new boss. Daniel Sterling. Rich as sin, illegally attractive, and the face of every magazine cover. Oh, and the reason why I escaped in the first place. I made his high school life hell. He won't stop until he gives me a taste of my own medicine. Empire of Hate is a complete STANDALONE. No other books should be read prior to this.

The Lust of Hate( Illustrated Edition)

Autor: Guy Newell Boothby

Número de Páginas: 214

In this the third of Boothby's Dr. Nikola novels, Nikola applies his almost hypnotic persuasion to convince an out-of-luck Australian, formerly from England, named Gilbert Pennethorne to assist Nikola unwittingly in an evil scheme. Nikola takes advantage of Pennethorne's intense desire for revenge against a former boss in Australia who stole information about the location of a gold field that would have made Pennethorne immensely wealthy. Using that information the boss made himself rich, living a high life in London, while Pennethorne remained penniless. Nikola contrives a plan and a device for Pennethorne to commit the perfect murder of the wealthy thief. Unknowingly, Pennethorne thus becomes a party to another one of Nikola's insidious schemes

The Lust of Hate Illustrated

Autor: Guy Newel Boothby

Número de Páginas: 256

In this the third of Boothby's Dr. Nikola novels, Nikola applies his almost hypnotic persuasion to convince an out-of-luck Australian, formerly from England, named Gilbert Pennethorne to assist Nikola unwittingly in an evil scheme. Nikola takes advantage of Pennethorne's intense desire for revenge against a former boss in Australia who stole information about the location of a gold field that would have made Pennethorne immensely wealthy. Using that information the boss made himself rich, living a high life in London, while Pennethorne remained penniless. Nikola contrives a plan and a device for Pennethorne to commit the perfect murder of the wealthy thief. Unknowingly, Pennethorne thus becomes a party to another one of Nikola's insidious schemes

Música del Diablo.

Autor: Stephen Castillo Bernal

Número de Páginas: 451

Abordaje antropológico en torno a la escena cultural metalera de la Ciudad de México

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