I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...
La historia detrás de sus 188 canciones * Quince álbumes míticos: este libro desentraña las 188 canciones de culto de la banda que cambiaron la historia del rock. * Letras, melodías y arreglos revelan sus secretos a lo largo de una descripción completa, canción a canción, complementadas con testimonios de la época, anécdotas raras y fragmentos de entrevistas. * Desde el primer single, "Keep Yourself Alive", hasta "A Winter's Tale", la última canción escrita por Freddie Mercury, pasando por la inolvidable "Bohemian Rhapsody", pero también las colaboraciones con Paul Rodgers y Adam Lambert, este libro revive toda la aventura de Queen con un análisis profundo y fotografías sorprendentes. Finales de la década de 1960. Farrokh "Freddie" Bulsara convence a Brian May y a Roger Taylor, entonces músicos de Smile, para que le den una oportunidad cuando su cantante abandona la aventura. En 1971, cuando Farrokh Bulsara ya se ha convertido en Freddie Mercury, John Deacon completa el cuarteto, que poco después cambia de nombre. Ha nacido la leyenda Queen. Pioneros del videoclip, interpretan una extravagancia escénica y trabajan los géneros del rock progresivo, el glam rock,...
Esta gran obra artística literaria, es la compilación enmarcada, de la esencia de un contenido, que es el resultado de la interacción entre el divino creador del universo, y el autor de este proyecto, así como, la experiencia continua y personalizada con el asiduo lector, siendo éstas, las fuentes de enlaces, que han servido para la inspiración que hizo posible este libro. Como lo indica su nombre, el extracto del contenido de este proyecto es el volumen 2, versón inglés y español, es un compendio de temas, que como resultado de la experiencia, experimentada con lo divino y lo humano, sabemos que puede satisfacer las necesidades del lector más exigente. Así que, no hay lugar para la duda, será de gran bendición para todo lector, por tanto. Es una herramienta que no debería faltar en ningún hogar.
Porque todos tenemos nuestra propia historia y algo más para contar... Porque a veces no encontramos las palabras necesarias para escribir lo que pensamos y/o sentimos... Porque la poesía es más que solo palabras de amor y/o desamor... Porque soy un aprendiz de poeta y un ladrón de historias... Por eso nació “A MI MANERA” Because we all have our own stories and more to tell... Because sometimes we can’t find the necessary words to write what we think and/or feel... Because poetry is more than just words of love and/or heartbreak... Because I am an apprentice poet and a thief of stories... This is why "MY WAY” was born.
A daring free book to reflect on our spiritual and love relationships. Live love at its fullest. Express your sexuality fully. This book will support you discover your primary colors and will define the way you desire to mix them in your relationships. Discover them and create the most unique rainbow. We have been raised with limited ideas about love, due to our parents and society beliefs and rules. Nobody taught us that our capacity to love is beyond what we know and have experienced. Are there different ways to love? What is our real capacity to do it? Love, just as light, possess several chromatic combinations that allows you to experience it without limits. They open your heart and enhance your capacity to love. This colors are related with chakras and the knowledge of this energetic centers, as well as the way to harmonize them, will give you the essential tools in order to relate with all the color spectrum in a healthy conscious manner. Opinions from other authors: "Karina's work around love, chakras, and the tantra of life illuminates beyond imagination. Her personal journey of discovery reflects the journey all of us to move towards more love, depth and conscious...
This is a story of three visits, which is remote back in the year 80 and 90, in the center of the cold war in El Salvador. A teenager is dragged by his dreams, his ambition to get to know the city; for love is involved on the front of the guerillas, making travels from the city to his town, ending with the reunion of his blood that he did not know existed and next to it says goodbye to his big love.
This book will help you see how God is performing what the author calls those "money can't buy moments" for you each day. Through this inspirational book, you will see how the Lord desires to borrow some of your time and use your gifts and talents to be a blessing to others.
El autor es egresado en Administración de Empresas, durante su vida laboral siempre fue un exitoso ejecutivo y gerente de ventas en compañías de prestigio. Los últimos años se ha dedicado al ramo de las aseguradoras, siendo actualmente jubilado, pero aún presta sus servicios como asesor independiente en seguros. Es músico y pintor aficionado y ahora adicional, se inicia con su primera obra como escritor. Su inquietud para escribir sobre esta novela. Nace de su relación, que, durante sus años de juventud, mantuvo con el programa del gobierno de EEUU – Alianza para el Progreso, creado precisamente por el Presidente John F. Kennedy. Cuando este programa se estableció en El Salvador, la base fue en el Centro Cultural de la colonia Montserrat, donde voluntarios de ese país impartían, a un grupo aproximado de 25 jóvenes, clases de inglés, arte, música y teatro, formándose un elenco artístico para desarrollar múltiples actividades, dentro de ellas el baile de square dance. Durante este periodo sucedió el asesinato del Presidente Kennedy, que impactó a muchos jóvenes dentro del programa, por la simpatía que este Presidente generó alrededor del mundo. Así es como...
La verdad con claridad en inglés y en español Por primera vez, los textos de la New Living Translation en inglés y de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español están disponibles en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales y modernas presentan la Palabra de Dios de una manera precisa y fiel usando un lenguaje cálido, atractivo y de fácil compresión que le hablará directamente al corazón. The Truth Made Clear in English and Spanish For the first time, the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish are available together in a parallel format. These two wonderful and modern translations present God’s Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart.
This book has family stories that date back from 1875 to the present. Stories that took place at the rancherías (rural settlements) in the region of los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, during and after the Cristero revolution. It recounts the ways of living, celebrations, and disciplines passed on from one generation to the next. The experiences of immigrant people and the challenges and opportunities they encounter in the United States. It talks about the pain families experience when they lose a loved one in another country and cannot physically be by their side. This book depicts the story of an unexpected accident and what happens in the "unconscious" mind of a dying person. It talks about how some human beings see life and death. There are testimonies of people who had dared to dream and achieve their dreams. A large family learned to heal the wounds from their past and it shares how they live after accomplishing their emotional healing.
Reimpresión del original, primera publicación en 1842.
"The Girl Who Enlightened Herself in the Meditation Class" tells the story of Carolina, a young student and future professional who, from the silence of her first meditation practice, unexpectedly begins a process of profound and radical change. Love becomes the central focus of her life, and for love, she will question her most important relationships, studies, and career, undermining the foundation of what seemed to be a future of comfortable prosperity. In this novel, the reader will accompany the protagonist on her search for the meaning of life, discovering valuable messages of wisdom and spiritual knowledge, while still being captivated by a storyline that promises to keep them on edge. If you believe there is something deeper in life than appearances and the limitations that may hinder our spiritual growth, The Girl Who Enlightened Herself in the Meditation Class is an essential read. It will entertain and guide you along the path of self-discovery towards spiritual growth.
After two years of physical absence, four childhood friends decide to organize a trip to an unknown destination, on the pretext of meeting again and catching up with each other’s lives.
Through this interesting book the author gives us an important message that has been revealed to him by a being of Light for all those who are willing and interested in knowing the truth about our purpose on this planet and knowledge never before revealed in this way. This is just the beginning of a saga of books with valuable information and help messages to know the way to an eternal life full of love and harmony, no matter who you are or where you come from or what religion you practice, you should only open your mind and your heart and you will understand. Thank you for taking the time to read this beautiful message.
In this book, former Formula One racing driver María de Villota recounts the 180 degree turn her life took after the fatal accident that happened during aerodynamic tests conducted with her Formula One team during the summer of 2012 and which left her with serious injuries. Far from becoming discouraged, her tenacity and courage proved more powerful than that tragic event. LIFE IS A GIFT is the moving and passionate testimony of a woman who refused to give up driving her own life with a firm hand until the end. "You got up much faster than you fell." FERNANDO ALONSO. Formula One racing driver "María has always been a machine that stops at nothing because nothing is a problem for her." PEDRO DE LA ROSA. Formula One racing driver "Extremely competitive, fast and with great determination." MARC GENÉ. Formula One racing driver "You have always been an example because of your tenacity and determination to reach the top, you have my complete admiration." CARLOS SAINZ. Racing driver "María is a wonderful example for all of us and it has been a privilege knowing her." MICHÈLE MOUTON. President of the Women in Motorsport Commission of FIA "She has given us a master class in struggle,...
Scripture Pictures provides a year's worth of Bible stories for less than $30! Presented on a practical, eye-catching easel, this resource makes it easy for teachers to use and fun for students from kindergarten to elementary to view. The unique presentation of Bible art correlated with Bible stories is super for Sunday school material, mid-week, Christian preschool, Christian day school, homeschool setting or as a supplement to regular Sunday school or Bible lessons. Kids and teachers love them!
La obra poética de Raymond Carver reunida en un volumen. El complemento imprescindible a sus cuentos. En poco más de diez años de intenso trabajo literario, los que van desde que dejó atrás el alcoholismo hasta su temprana muerte, Raymond Carver forjó una obra de primerísima magnitud. Sus cuentos fueron celebrados internacionalmente y le valieron el calificativo de «Chéjov americano», pero, en paralelo a esa carrera como narrador, a lo largo de los años ochenta del pasado siglo también fue escribiendo varios poemarios. De hecho, él mismo dijo: «Empecé como poeta. Lo primero que publiqué fue un poema. De modo que supongo que me gustaría que en mi lápida pusiese “Poeta, cuentista y ocasional ensayista”, en ese orden.» Y es que los poemarios de Carver aquí reunidos –cinco libros, tres publicados en vida, uno póstumo y un quinto que reunía sus inéditos– permiten constatar que su poesía no fue ni mucho menos un ejercicio menor, un capricho, una producción subsidiaria o marginal. Sus versos forman parte sustancial de su corpus literario, y no solo ayudan a construir un retrato completo de quien los escribió, sino que son un complemento imprescindible...
This is a book about self-help and a little bit about seduction, because all my works have something of this world. That's why it can be used as a self-help book or as a seduction book. Undoubtedly, what it will help you the most is to:: Respect yourself. Protect yourself from harmful people. Do life the way you want to do it, without inferences from bad and interested people. Laugh at yourself and laugh with the book because it has touches of humor. Thanks to the experience that I have captured here you will learn how to: Seduce difficult women. Transform your current self into your ideal self. To have charisma and magnetism. Neurolinguistic programming. Attract girls with your presence alone. Know how to successfully approach girls. Pick up girls, get girls, seduce women, get women, fall in love. Have interesting conversations with girls. Seduce on the Internet. To be attractive. To make yourself respected, to respect yourself. Be independent. Improve your social skills. Seduction techniques. Become a master in seduction. Be seductive, attract girls. With it you will be able to attract, seduce and get girls and women. To kiss, to conquer, to fall in love. In short, you will...
Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.
An Encounter in The Desert This book tells the story of Robert, the main character, who while heading on a business trip from New York to the Arab countries, finds himself submerged in an unforeseen incident that makes him experience various circumstances that were previously unthinkable to him, jolting him into a space between the tangible and intangible. After this, Robert will never be the same. After this unexpected time in the desert, Robert found the unexpected, something that helped him greatly for the rest of his life. Dear reader, you can travel with Robert, and participate in this story from your own perspective, to find the unexpected. Discover it! – It’ll be a fascinating journey.
Building Spiritual Muscles is written in five parts. Part I talks about how my encounters with ordinary people during my world travels helped put my years of metaphysical understandings into perspective. Part II is a sketch of my early life where the se
A book with decades of life experience. The author J. Mas Manjon, he's inspired on his poetry in the teachings of G.I.Gurdjieff. It is a poetry breaker schemes, deconstruction of established forms, a poem to ponder. Do not wait for the reader, an ordinary reading, language is used freely but in a methodical thought, to lead the reader to discover the self. (There is freedom in the use of language rules that are deliberately used in this work written to inspire the reader).Discovery of other dimensions, an encounter with the absolute. The experience exposed a poetic, in behavioral studies and human cognition.
There were once three boys: Gabriel, Scott and Milo. Scott was just outed as gay in a very conservative and toxic envirnoment that wanted nothing to do with him, Milo was trying to live in the slums while dealing with addiction and trying to live day by day with his jerk father. But Gabriel, or Gabe, he was actually in a good place in life, even if his older brother and guardian just discovered he was an Adult Baby (just to be totally supportive and even engaging). One night, Fate has them meet at a park where they bond and find a connection between their different worlds, and as Scott's and Milo's lives get out of control, Gabe decides to come to their rescue. As the three of them reach out, they will learn what it means to be real friends and brothers... while Scott and Milo discover the truth about Gabe's diapered life and his infantile desires!
Veinte autoras de diferentes latitudes reflexionan a través de la palabra dramática sobre el fenómeno del tránsito asociado a las migraciones. Son autoras con voz propia, todas ellas interpeladas por la experiencia de las migraciones, algunas desde la deuda emocional familiar, (hijas o nietas de inmigrantes) o desde su propia experiencia, su posición transnacional y su mestizaje; todas desde el abordaje artístico y las deudas éticas con el compromiso de ciudadanas del mundo. Dramaturgas de “suelo inquieto” que escriben “contra el archivo” y comparten territorios desde su diversidad.
Esta novela es más que una ficción romántica. Tiene el propósito de divertir dando solaz al lector y al mismo tiempo intenta cultivar con sutileza valores humanos a menudo olvidados.El lector disfrutará de una pieza de literatura escrita para cautivar desde el comienzo. Su estructura literaria está basada en el teatro griego clásico y en el estilo visual y variado de los guiones de cine. Comienza con una historia representativa de nuestra actual comunicación digital. Luego el drama de la soledad y la intolerancia humana se acentúa, concluyendo con una original e impactante trama que subyace desde el inicio. Las situaciones descritas motivan la identificación, y están colmadas de los más altos sentimientos humanos cargados de emociones sinceras y románticos ideales. Los escenarios están llenos de realismo y belleza. La obra en general representa un estilo literario personal, si bien espontáneo y reflexivo. Nada está de sobra allí para mantener el interés constante del lector. Esta obra intenta promover el arte del buen vivir, mediante la experiencia del verdadero amor universal y la felicidad en conciencia de la abundancia y la libertad.
¡Una Biblia perfecta para los que están descubriendo la Palabra de Dios en dos idiomas! El Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios bilingüe NTV/NLT [Bilingual New Testament with Psalms & proverbs NLT/NTV] tiene los textos del Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español y de la New Living Translation en inglés en un formato paralelo. Sus características incluye: Tapa rústica de diseño único Barniz UV (Spot-gloss) en la portada Medidas: 5.5 x 8.25 Tamaño ligero y fácil de llevar Esta porción de la Biblia presenta la Palabra de Dios en un lenguaje claro, cálido, y de fácil comprensión para una buena experiencia de nuestras dos increíbles traducciones. A perfect Bible for those who are discovering God ́s Word in two languages! The Bilingual New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs NLT/NTV [Nuevo Testamento con Salmos y Proverbios bilingüe NTV/NLT] provides the New Testament texts along with Psalms and Proverbs of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. Its features include: Unique softcover design Spot-gloss on the cover 5.5 x 8.25 trim size Lightweight and easy to ...
Este libro, el tercero de la serie Jazz en Dominicana: Las Entrevistas (2019, 2020 y ahora 2021), contiene 11 conversaciones sostenidas con músicos en el año 2021. Las preguntas fueron articuladas con un esquema simple y orgánico, que logró llevar a respuestas concretas, resaltando la diversidad de criterios y dando particularidad a cada diálogo; estos, una vez más, abren una ventana que permite asomarse a la escena jazzística actual de República Dominicana. El libro se publica en español e inglés, y está integrado con Códigos QR (Quick Response), que los lectores pueden escanear y escuchar la música de cada músico entrevistado. This book, the third in the Jazz en Dominicana: The Interviews series (2019, 2020 and now 2021), contains 11 conversations held with musicians in the year 2021. The questions were articulated with a simple and organic scheme, which managed to lead to concrete answers, bringing out the diversity of criteria and giving particularity to each dialogue; these, once again, open a window that allows a look into the current jazz scene of the Dominican Republic. The book is published in Spanish and English, and is integrated with QR Codes (Quick...
Enseñar una lengua extranjera es siempre un desafío. Es mucho más fácil cuando a los estudiantes les encantan los materiales que se utilizan para enseñarles. No muchos libros están escritos por lectores jóvenes de secundaria. Esperamos que a sus estudiantes les guste aprender con estos libros bilingües.
The day that Gillese Blondet turned 50, she vowed to herself that not only will she confess her age, but she would share all her secrets that confirm the following: YES, 50 is the new 30. I am 50... So What? Is the manual to get you to your mid-life feeling successful, made, beautiful in control and, above all, enjoy what you are and not grieve over what has not been. The day that Gillese Blondet turned 50, she vowed to herself that not only will she confess her age, but she would share all her secrets that confirm the following: YES, 50 is the new 30. This book is a friendly reminder that no botox will fix the wrinkles of the soul. Giselle, one of the most beloved women in the Hispanic market, takes us through the highlights of her life and the lives of powerful Latinas in their fifties who have not only achieved success in that dreaded age, but even have the luxury of having known the true love at 50. Because in this book, Blondet also shows us that in the game of love, the champion doesn't come first, but last. Funny, human, inspiring and full of anecdotes, I am 50 ... so what? Is an injection of energy for girls who want to reach that age as Giselle Blondet, and a foothold for ...
Los poemas de Carlos Bravo son una invitación para escuchar el corazón y refrescar el alma. Se salen de la métrica y la rima convencionales para hacernos participar de su propia melodía con su musicalidad libre y particular. Son como agua de manantial que fluye y refresca los sentidos y como aire puro que transforma el aliento en cálidas palabras. Al escribir sus poemas el autor transmite sus pensamientos a través de su pluma a un lector que poco a poco se sumerge en todo ese laberinto de experiencias del ser. The poems of Carlos Bravo are an invitation to listen carefully to the heart and to refresh the soul. His thoughts flow softly, like a stream of water, that transmute his words in mild musical rime, that gently disarray the poetic conventional metric, enticing the reader, to immerse in the magical labyrinth of his lyrics, that recite the story of the human experience.
These texts I have written under the influence of schizophrenia, during my relapses. I have gathered them and given a beginning and an end. I tried to give the reader a closer look at what this form of disability really is, moving away from the myths and poorly described summaries that circulate in the collective imagination, unfounded by the cinema and authors' literature, that cannot be in the mind of someone who suffers this condition. They have made a strong false cut, away from reality, giving sufferers an unreal image dangerous monsters and transforming the word schizophrenia into an insult.
"The Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traduccin̤ Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two wonderful translations present God's Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart."--Provided by publisher.
Lila is a simply unforgettable adventure. The past is evoked with affection and authentic compassion, at times infused with a little bit of humor […] It is not easy, and much less common, to find a text that is so balanced yet moving at the same time. The story has a profound impact without indulging in melodrama. In her letters, the main character holds on to her memories like a shipwreck survivor clings to hope. Prats Sariol has given us an epistolary novel and a crime novel all in one. The murder mystery is not solved until the very end; it is only in the last line that we find out how Lila and her good friend and accomplice in life, Virginia, died. This is something that only the best novels achieve without resorting to false trickery. The present is taken one day at a time, without asking for too much: being grateful is a virtue. The future, on the other hand, is revealed in conjunction with each reunion, especially the one with the beloved Valerio, late at night, somewhere in Europe. But I will say no more; read for yourself and enjoy. In Lila’s words: “I’ve just registered my exile. Tomorrow, in some corner, another foreigner will wave his handkerchief.” Eliseo...
Quién es en verdad este personaje. En la actualidad existe un intenso resurgir de María Magdalena en la literatura, el cine, la televisión, a través de quienes dicen canalizar sus mensajes o, simplemente en el deseo de, cada vez más personas, por saber más de ella, siguiendo un llamado a conocerla mejor Lita Donoso, psicóloga y creadora de Alkymia ha realizado una extensa investigación, ha entrevistado a múltiples personajes ha viajado por América, Europa y Medio Oriente y ha buscado descifrar su misterio. ¿Quién fue ella en verdad? ¿La mujer que nos presenta en Nuevo Testamento o aquella que a través de los evangélicos apócrifos se nos revela como la pareja de Jesús? ¿Fue acaso la apóstol de apóstoles y depositaria del legado de Cristo o también la madre de sus hijos y de una descendencia que se extendió por toda Europa? Dice la autora: "He comprobado que existe una amplia gama de miradas respecto a ella: la mirada histórica, la religiosa, la mística, la del activismo feminista, etc. Pero la que desaparece es la de la prostituta a la que Jesús le sacó siete demonios. La mirada que les traigo de María Magdalena es la de la iniciada en el conocimiento de...
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.1px Verdana} Novela del inglés Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900). Publicada en 1890, esta novela filosófica fue víctima de la censura de la época por “indecente” y con el paso del tiempo se hizo un lugar entre las obras más reconocidas de la literatura inglesa. Versión decadente del Fausto de Goethe, es una crónica profunda y puntual de la época victoriana con descarnado realismo simbólico y de estilo gótico.
Martha Alicia Chávez give us the best method to recognize truth as a fundamental part in our maturation process and personal growth. In Honor of Truth is a book about authenticity, congruency and the healing power of truth. In this pages the author shows us different ways to deceiving ourselves, when we talk about our children, our romantic relationships, our money and other social situations. It's clear, self-deception sickens and truth heals and liberates. Recognizing that we all deceive ourselves in many ways is not a reason to feel guilty or ashamed. However, it's necessary to acknowledge this situation in order to embrace the truth that will let us live in peace with ourselves. Martha Alicia Chávez, successful author of Your Child, Your Mirror, Todo pasa... y esto también pasará and Te voy a contar una historia, give us the best method to recognize truth as a fundamental part in our maturation process and personal growth in every aspect of our lives, and help us to avoid the self-deception that can be hidden behind our most admirable intentions.
Alejandra Oliva is a young woman who had recently graduated from her university studies and who is forced to leave her hometown to face the current economic situation of her home. Upon arriving in a city not far away but unknown to her, she will be welcomed in the bosom of a home where she will be involved in a series of mysterious secrets, which curiously will be linked to her past. She will see how they influence her present and how they could affect her future, and she will have to find the strength to be able to face the adversities that she will have to face. In this journey, she will encounter love. She will experience mysteries and intrigues. Her life and her family's will be in danger.
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