JD Method
Autor: John Danen
Número de Páginas: 53After a lot of practice and a lot of reading about seduction, I wanted to share my own seduction method. You will be able to use it and reach the hundreds of girls I have seduced.
After a lot of practice and a lot of reading about seduction, I wanted to share my own seduction method. You will be able to use it and reach the hundreds of girls I have seduced.
Una inolvidable historia de amor entre una enfermera y un joven soldado idealista en la Italia de la I Guerra Mundial. Por el Premio Nobel de Literatura Ernest Hemingway. No amaba a Catherine Barkley, ni se le ocurría que pudiera amarla. Aquello era como el bridge, un juego donde te largas a hablar en vez de manejar las cartas. Eso pensaba el teniente americano Frederic Henry, conductor de ambulancias en el frente italiano durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, al poco de conocer a esta bella enfermera británica. Lo que parecía un juego se convirtió en pasión intensa, mientras la guerra lo arrasaba todo y los hombres desfilaban bajo la lluvia, agotados y hambrientos, sin pensar más que en huir de la muerte. Inspirada en las vivencias de Hemingway, Adiós a las armas es ya un clásico de la literatura universal y uno de los mejores retratos de la voluntad humana.
The pages of Fidel Castro: "Birán to Cinco Palmas" cover the most notable moments in the first thirty years of life of the leader of the Cuban Revolution. From his childhood to the historical reencounter with his brother Raúl, shortly after their return to Cuba aboard the cabin cruiser Granma, the gradual development of the thinking and actions of this exceptional figure can be appreciated.
Una obra maestra del reportaje donde el Premio Nobel de Literatura Ernest Hemingway cuenta la estancia de un mes—diciembre de 1933—en África, dedicado a una de sus grandes pasiones: la caza mayor. La luz africana, el paisaje febril, la excitación y la tensión que produce la cinegética se convierten para Hemingway en motivos de reflexión que van mucho más allá del safari y la simple narración turística. Como siempre, Hemingway logra elevar la anécdota a la categoría de mito, explorar la condición del hombre a través de sus instintos más primarios y, en definitiva, indagar en torno a la eterna cuestión de la muerte, el deseo y la supervivencia.
Disfruta de este clásico de Mark Twain en versión original. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) es una novela del escritor estadounidense Mark Twain (considerado el Dickens estadounidense), y publicada originalmente entre 1884 y 1885. La obra es considerada una secuela de su distante y exitosa predecesora Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer de 1876, con la cual mantiene una temática narrativa bastante similar. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn representa una de las primeras grandes novelas estadounidenses. También fue una de las primeras novelas escritas en inglés vernáculo estadounidense, particularmente hablado por el narrador y protagonista principal de la historia, Huckleberry «Huck» Finn.
A reptilian race is desperate to survive the threat of extinction and needs a new home. Could Earth, known across the universe as Teraboo, be a candidate? This planet has been misused by its current human inhabitants and either the Federations of Systems and Galaxies or the universe’s five gods and goddesses will decide which race has the right to live there. With a missing bacteriological weapon and a mysterious destructive figure wreaking havoc across the universe, the warrior Titans and the Avengers of the universe, whose mission is to serve and protect, to assist and to triumph, will play a pivotal role in the destiny of Teraboo. But before this happens, Avenger Nadia is sent to Teraboo as punishment for a mistake to learn from four masters. What lessons can these undeveloped humans possibly teach her? The content of this book has not been modified or censored. Note: Avenger Nadia is in no way connected with Marvel or Disney and has her own copyright.
Enseñar una lengua extranjera es siempre un desafío. Es mucho más fácil cuando a los estudiantes les encantan los materiales que se utilizan para enseñarles. No muchos libros están escritos por lectores jóvenes de secundaria. Esperamos que a sus estudiantes les guste aprender con estos libros bilingües.
This is a story of three visits, which is remote back in the year 80 and 90, in the center of the cold war in El Salvador. A teenager is dragged by his dreams, his ambition to get to know the city; for love is involved on the front of the guerillas, making travels from the city to his town, ending with the reunion of his blood that he did not know existed and next to it says goodbye to his big love.
Spike the Troublemaker makes his mark by bullying the area kids, pulling girls’ hair, tripping kids, tattling, and hurting others. But his plan of bullying backfires when he’s caught by one of his own traps Púa se caracteriza por intimidar a los niños del barrio. Para ganar la reputación de “chico rudo”, le tira el cabello a las niñas, hace tropezar a los niños, carga y hiere a los demás. Uno de sus entretenimientos favoritos es esconder trampas en los senderos de bicicleta y reír cuando los niños se caen. Pero su plan se le vuelve en contra cuando cae en una de sus propias trampas. Desamparado, con una pierna rota y congelándose al llegar la noche, Púa grita pidiendo la ayuda de las mismas niñas a quienes él hirió. ¿Logrará Púa sobrevivir en el bosque?
El libro comprende más de 3000 expresiones idiomáticas de uso frecuente en las normas lingüísticas del Inglés que se habla, principalmente, en Estado Unidos, Inglaterra y Canadá. Casi todas las expresiones van acompañadas de ejemplos reales, tomados en su mayoría, de más de 500 fuentes, desde publicaciones impresas hasta sitios de Internet, y programas de radio y televisión, con el objetivo de ilustrar sus usos en el contexto lingüístico contemporáneo. Cada una de las expresiones tiene sus correspondientes equivalencias en español.
Presents common English words, including contemporary terms related to the Internet and digital technology, with definitions, sentences to demonstrate usage, and Spanish translations, along with lists by category and tips for students.
En montrant la permanence des formes dramatiques médiévales dans la tradition textuelle et scénique occidentale, et en rappelant le succès de certains de ses retours à la scène, l'ouvrage réhabilite la qualité dramatique du théâtre médiéval.
Una antología excepcional de lírica contemporánea. El Premio Internacional de Poesía Jovellanos, El Mejor Poema del Mundo, reúne en este libro a poetas jóvenes o ya con larga carrera, reconocidos y anónimos, en un cálido homenaje a la escritura y a los mejores versos escritos en cualquier lengua del mundo. Solo palabra y fuego. Cada 21 de marzo, coincidiendo con el Día Mundial de la Poesía proclamado por Unesco, se falla desde Asturias este galardón único creado por Ediciones Nobel para continuar el incansable espíritu quijotesco con el que lo fundó el periodista y escritor Graciano García: encontrar el mejor poema escrito en cualquier lengua y difundirlo para que la voz de los poetas sea como una antorcha sobre la tierra oscura. Este libro participa en la iniciativa Asturias, Capital Mundial de la Poesía. La estatua de Bolívar, escrito por Óscar Eduardo Soto con un estilo conciso y sintético, desmitifica y a la vez humaniza la figura del prócer, recordando que la gloria es otro nombre de la caducidad. Nos señala que todos somos héroes heridos.
Montañas and three or four ríos es una antología bilingüe en español e inglés que celebra y amplifica las voces de escritores ganadores del Premio Ciudad y Naturaleza José Emilio Pacheco, un galardón cuyo objetivo es el de promover la reflexión humana sobre la interrelación entre lo urbano y la naturaleza. El valor de esta selección de textos es que también nos regala ensayos elocuentes y reveladores desde las perspectivas de cuatro mujeres: Ksenija Bilbija, Sarli E. Mercado, Kata Beilin y Lori DiPrete Brown, provenientes de cuatro países en Europa del Este, América Central y del Norte, que nos ayudan a contextualizar los poemas y cuentos premiados en los procesos que vivimos en estos tiempos.
Divine Intervention is the story of a humble person who was born in El Salvador, being the fourth daughter of nine brothers and sisters. She once lived the most amazing childhood surrounded by nature and love in a place of freedom and happiness where all the children have the freedom to play together in a secure environment. During school time, I had a wonderful experience in learning in my humble public school. We, all the children of the community, walk together to the school with no fear; we walk in a safe environment. During 1980s, the country was having a social change. It was not safe anymore; I just looked at the chaos that was happening in our communities, with the families. The community was not safe anymore; what I saw was destruction and poverty, no job opportunities. I decided to migrate to the United States. I knew it would not be easy, but I took the risk of losing my life in the journey, by crossing the desert and getting on board of the train, The Beast, looking for my American dream. Like many immigrants who leave their loved ones to give them a better future, I also left my eighteen-month-old baby. I went through this pain that is hard to explain, and only the...
(This is the PG 13 version of Fearing the Biker - descriptive sex scenes removed) Jordan Steele (The Judge) has been hired as a bodyguard for Jessica Winters, Slammer's new step-daughter. Security is usually not his thing, but he finds himself unable to refuse the offer after meeting her in person. Jessica Winters wants nothing to do with The Judge or any other biker, for that matter, especially after being raped by one of the Devil's Rangers, three years before. When she learns that her life is in imminent danger, however, she reluctantly agrees and finds herself in the care of a man who makes her tremble in more ways than one.
The book presents the dynamics associated with the transformations and revitalization of the shamanic universe and strategies used to negotiate with the invisible beings. Making a rich contribution to the ethnology of Latin American lowlands, it demonstrates that ethnography is a social relationship. The text makes evident that the author, upon entering and leaving the territory, also enters and leaves the canons of anthropology. In the unfolding of the narrative, shaped as an academic autobiography, the details of the fieldwork experience flourish and result in timely reflections.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.1px Verdana} Novela del inglés Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900). Publicada en 1890, esta novela filosófica fue víctima de la censura de la época por “indecente” y con el paso del tiempo se hizo un lugar entre las obras más reconocidas de la literatura inglesa. Versión decadente del Fausto de Goethe, es una crónica profunda y puntual de la época victoriana con descarnado realismo simbólico y de estilo gótico.
AVENIDA HOPE LA NOVELA COMPLETA EN ESPAÑOL Y EN VERSIÓN ORIGINAL (INGLÉS) "Una apasionante lectura ... Un estudio fascinante de la oscuridad y de la maldad... Barlow da multitud de giros y vueltas antes de que la verdad se revele. Pero lo que engancha más no es la estructura de la historia sino los personajes, el diálogo y el ambiente... Bellamente cinematográfico ... mucho más cinematográfico que McDermid o Rankin." Crimefictionlover.com "Barlow da un gran número de vueltas antes de que todo esté desenredado, ya que, por supuesto, nada en el caso es exactamente lo que parece ser, y él hace girar el hilo a ritmo rápido, y con una prosa muy legible. También hace un buen trabajo con la ambientación de la ciudad inglesa de Leeds. Me hizo sentir como si hubiera estado allí. Una novela muy buena, la primera de una serie, y espero con interés leer los siguientes libros." Rough Edges *** Avenida Hope: una novela negra y de misterio. No puedes cambiar tu pasado. ¿Pero tu futuro? John Ray, hijo del capo de crimen Antonio ‘Tony’ Ray 'Tony', es el tipo bueno de la familia. Con un negocio exitoso y un nivel de vida alto, no quiere tener nada que ver con el mundo criminal...
This essential bilingual reference for learners of Spanish or English is current, complete, authoritative, and easy to use. It contains nearly 100,000 terms and expressions, including basic vocabulary, selected place names, proper names, abbreviations, acronyms, and the most current technical terms. Words are clearly illustrated in context, and to further assist learners of both Spanish and English, grammar summaries of each language are given.
The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus (aka Las aventuras surreales de Dr. Mingus) is an adventure of the mind, inspired by Fellini, classical theatre, Dante, and the Mexican drug wars. The dreams of the eccentric doctor will carry readers from the chaos of the third world through the nightmare of middle class America. Félix Rodriguez has created a tapestry of modern life unlike anything you have ever read. This book contains both English and Spanish versions.
¡El comienzo de todo! El arranque del Universo Marvel como nunca antes lo has visto. En 1961, Stan Lee y Jack Kirby alumbraron en las páginas de Fantastic Four el mayor y más importante cosmos de ficción jamás creado. Biblioteca Marvel lo recopila serie a serie, año a año, en orden cronológico, en una completa edición a color y tamaño original, con los correos de lectores y las secciones de la edición original, además de todos los extras disponibles, porque esta no es una edición de clásicos como otra cualquiera: es una máquina del tiempo que te transporta hasta La Era Marvel de los Cómics, para que la vivas como si estuviera ocurriendo aquí y ahora.
Estudio orientado a la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras en los niveles iniciales de aprendizaje.
The objectives of this book are to help students develop their communicative skills in english as well as various job-related competencies. The book was designed based on teh global simulation framework in which students take on a role in a simulated center for disease control. Each unit covers different aspects of working in te simulated center, including how to apply for a job, applying for a job in the center, designing medical campaigns about communicative diseases, non- communicative diseases and violence, and preparing for language proficiency exams. It is designed for use with B1 english language students from the Health Sciences division at the Universidad del Norte.
I became a father at fifteen. At my young age, I wanted to play at being an adult, and the responsibilities were coming day by day in my new chapter as a father. During my boy's first birthday, I had the opportunity, over dinner at my house, to tell my mother that I would soon marry Elizabeth. She took my hand and said, "You two are too young to take such a huge step. Life is just beginning for both of you, and you still have a very long way to go and meet many more people." Regardless of her words that night, my decision to continue with the civil wedding remained solid, and a couple of months later I married Elizabeth, thinking at that moment that she was the woman with whom I would share the rest of my life. Without knowing that after three years, my mother's words would resonate in my head when the most important person in my life appeared in my world. It would really be incredible if we had a crystal ball to see our future and thus make better decisions. Believing in destiny was not important to me. I thought that life was what we were building day by day with our actions. But destiny would arrive very soon, planning step-by-step the exact moment when he would knock on the...
Nellie Campobello, a prominent Mexican writer and "novelist of the Revolution," played an important role in Mexico's cultural renaissance in the 1920s and early 1930s, along with such writers as Rafael Muñoz and Gregorio López y Fuentes and artists Diego Rivera, Orozco, and others. Her two novellas, Cartucho (first published in 1931) and My Mother's Hands (first published as Las manos de Mamá in 1938), are autobiographical evocations of a childhood spent amidst the violence and turmoil of the Revolution in Mexico. Campobello's memories of the Revolution in the north of Mexico, where Pancho Villa was a popular hero and a personal friend of her family, show not only the stark realism of Cartucho but also the tender lyricism of My Mother's Hands. They are noteworthy, too, as a first-person account of the female experience in the early years of the Mexican Revolution and unique in their presentation of events from a child's perspective.
Eight short stories in both Spanish and English. The multicultural and cosmopolitan life experience of the author shows up in the stories presented in this book. In "Aurora" and "The Fountain of Youth," he writes in the magical and occult literary genre that is shared by many Latin American writers, and in "The Man with a Thousand Faces" and "Boarding School" he tells two brief tales about life in his native Nicaragua in a realistic and humorous vein that would definitely appeal to both US and Latin American readers. "The Front Line Interrogator" is the product of the author's own military experience in Vietnam, as he shows how US Army interrogators and their Vietnamese detainees attempt to outwit each other. In "The Arabic Student" he makes an interesting effort to portray the life of an American-born Hispanic student who, against his will, has been assigned to a lengthy course of intensive study of one of the world's most difficult languages and how he copes with the situation.
The untold story of the iconic Jenni Rivera through the perspective of her former managers, Pete Salgado and Gabriel Vazquez and it will be the basis for a TV series that airs on Univision. This book will take us into the boiler room and offer a behind-the-scenes look into the strategies and moments that lead to national headlines. Pete Salgado was Jenn’s longstanding manager, considered by Jenn her fifth bother, he worked with her for nearly a decade, and helped negotiate many of her deals. She shared things with him she did not with others, and he came to know her in ways no one else did. The months before Jenni’s death were filled with betrayals and disappointments from those she most loved and trusted. Salgado addresses that and takes readers deep inside some cryptic tweets Jenni posted as well of answering very difficult questions such as: Did Chiquis have an affair with Jenni’s husband, Esteban? Who really was the person Jenni called El Pelón and tweeted about, and what did he mean to her? Was Jenni embroiled with the drug cartel? Did the notorious narco El Barbie mistreat her? Was she going to buy a plane? Was Jenni’s death truly an accident? This book describes...
A Spanish-English bilingual dictionary specifically written to meet the needs of Spanish learners of English.
Alejandra Oliva is a young woman who had recently graduated from her university studies and who is forced to leave her hometown to face the current economic situation of her home. Upon arriving in a city not far away but unknown to her, she will be welcomed in the bosom of a home where she will be involved in a series of mysterious secrets, which curiously will be linked to her past. She will see how they influence her present and how they could affect her future, and she will have to find the strength to be able to face the adversities that she will have to face. In this journey, she will encounter love. She will experience mysteries and intrigues. Her life and her family's will be in danger.
Teresa Jones’s dreams of flying contrast sharply with her dreary, earthbound life working as a filing-clerk in a CD store, and suffering the constant nagging of her academic parents, who are outraged at her stubborn refusal to go to college. Her best friend – the popular, successful and apparently happy college freshman Elena Kravchuk – has the perfect prescription for Teresa’s depression: she needs to get laid. When the two girls meet Miguel Angel Ramirez, a misfit Mexican immigrant who builds and flies kites for a living, Elena goes to work as match-maker to bring him together for a casual fling with her socially awkward, chronically depressed best friend. But rather than providing a one night stand, this papalotero will transform the lives of both girls in ways that neither one bargained for: Elena will confront the truth that her life is not as perfect as she so desperately wants people to believe it is, while Teresa will be challenged to give up her low self-esteem and Life Sucks t-shirts, and discover that the happiness she thinks is out of her reach might actually be just one small leap of faith away.
«No soy un cómico. Y no estoy enfermo. El mundo está enfermo y yo soy el médico. Soy un cirujano con bisturí para los falsos valores. No actúo, solo hablo. Solo soy Lenny Bruce...» El diagnóstico de Lenny Bruce es este libro. A pesar de su propia desesperación, Lenny fue un predicador, un moralista satírico buscando la verdad con una guadaña despiadada incluso con él mismo. Su lengua afilada dibujó el auténtico retrato de la sociedad norteamericana contemporánea. Fue un potente antibiótico para los males de su generación.Este libro presenta el «escándalo» de Lenny Bruce, a través de entrevistas, improvisacines en clubs de jazz y escritos dispersos. (Fuente: Casa del Libro).
The Women & Infants component of the Spanish/English Patient Education Collection will help providers of maternal/child health care meet the needs of an increasingly diverse patient population. It provides a wide assortment of materials for educating & counseling Spanish-speaking women patients on important topics in contraception, sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy & birth, & infant care. Each handout is provided in both an English & Spanish version. Materials come ready to insert in your own binder. They feature a large print, easy-to-read format & are ready to be photocopied for individual patients as needed. An Editorial Advisory Board of bilingual health professionals helped select the best materials submitted by health departments, agencies, programs, facilities, & organizations across the country. Materials were carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy of language & clinical information.
I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...