The student participates in activities in which procedural contents identified as language functions and reading strategies are included. These are necessary to develop the competencies of reading, understanding, writing and expressing oneself in English
By the end of English 2, the student will be able to communicate in English about past events, activities, and experiences using grammatical structures appropriately.
By the end of English 4, the student will be able to communicate in English about personal, vocational, and social aspects of his or her life project as well as the social, scientific, and technological contributions that he or she can make to the world.
Este libro te ayudará a construir los mejores aprendizajes y herramientas para que los apliques dentro y fuera del aula, proporcionándote así una mejor calidad de vida y un excelente desarrollo personal y profesional.
Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación Radiofónica, IGER. Es una obra producida por el Departamento de Redacción y Diseño, para el Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación Radiofónica, IGER.
This comparative analysis of the inter-lingual differences between English and Spanish allows instructors to comprehend and analyze the linguistic behaviors of their students and thereby help them achieve bilingualism. Intended for advanced upper-division and graduate students intending to teach Spanish-to-English speakers, English-to- Spanish speakers, and translators of both languages. Plastic comb binding. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
Hemos diseñado este libro dividiéndolo en cinco partes. En la Primera Parte, presentamos los puntos gramaticales que hemos seleccionado y que consideramos de mayor importancia. Estos están acompañados de breves explicaciones para facilitar el aprendizaje. Luego, se dan ejemplos traducidos al español, en los que se usan reglas gramaticales. Y, para un aprendizaje más permanente, ofrecemos por ultimo, los ejercicios en los que deben aplicarse las reglas o puntos ya presentados, explicados y usados en ejemplos. En la Segunda Parte, podemos encontrar las respuestas a todos los ejercicios. Estas pueden ser usadas para la auto evaluación o para la aclaración en caso de que se haga un poco difícil al tratar de responder o completar algunas partes de los ejercicios. En la Tercera Parte, ofrecemos una variedad de temas misceláneos, que incluye listados de palabras correspondientes a diversos puntos gramaticales de uso frecuente, así como diferentes vocabularios por temas, que resultan útiles y necesarios para una buena comunicación. En la Cuarta Parte, hemos colocado una interesante selección de verbos regulares e irregulares. Estos últimos dados con el pasado y participio...
Inglés para todo hispano hablante. Libro de texto y ejercicios en nivel básico y medio bajo que explica paso a paso en español, las estructuras gramaticales y la pronunciación del idioma inglés. En el libro se explican con esmero y detalle desde el elemento mas básico de la gramática del inglés hasta la construcción de oraciones complejas. El método se caracteriza por la forma innovadora de enseñar idiomas que consiste en tres etapas. Primero, se explica en castellano cada elemento de una oración, luego se muestran varios ejemplos sobre ese tema, finalmente se invita al alumno a practicar lo que aprendió en ese párrafo, ejercitando la materia que éste aprendió. De ese modo, el alumno se entera de la mayor parte de las reglas gramaticales para luego reproducir los mismos en las formas y posiciones correctas. El método de aprendizaje se orienta a la idea de que la lógica humana puede aprender un idioma realizando 4 etapas: entendiendo, absorbiendo, reproduciendo y repitiendo. Para el aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero, la repetición es de suma importancia, puesto que solo de esa forma quedan grabadas en la memoria, el vocabulario, la pronunciación, los acentos y ...
Presents common English words, including contemporary terms related to the Internet and digital technology, with definitions, sentences to demonstrate usage, and Spanish translations, along with lists by category and tips for students.
This book is the compilation of seven research studies. Six studies were carried out by the in-service teacher-students from the Master\'s in Education with Emphasis on English Didactics at the School of Education in Universidad Externado de Colombia, and one study was conducted by three professors from the same Emphasis. This issue includes seven chapters. The first article describes the findings from teacher professional development seminars to sensitise teachers towards child rights classroom practices. The second article reports how the implementation of teacher-designed portfolios, based on controversial issues, enhanced students\' argumentative writing skils. The third article analyzes the contribution of task-based lessons to the development of writing accuracy. The fourth article explains how the development and implementation of contextualised materials based on memory strategies foster students\' vocabulary learning. The fifth article shows the findings of developing contextualised worksheets centred on the task -based learning approach to enhance two oral communication micro-skills. The sixth article presents the impact of moodle-based worksheets on reading...
This KwikFix™ English Download will instantly and effectively help any Latino communicate any health concern. His / her own medical questions or issues or those of the family are now easily expressed in English. Our “grammar-less” approach helps make this possible. Designed with input from industry experts, this KwikFix™ “Instant” English Download includes complete phrases and requests related to: making appointments, emergencies, filling out forms and the basics for example. All downloads include a pronunciation guide that will instantly make your employee understood – even if they’ve never spoken English before. An audio download may also be purchased separately.
Our KwikFix™ English Booklets are laminated pocket-sized tools that will instantly and effectively help your Latino employee “get their point across” in English. Our “grammar-less” approach helps lessen frustration and close the communication gap that often exists between managers and Latino employees. Designed with input from industry experts, this KwikFix™ “Instant” English Booklet includes complete phrases and requests related to: cleaning up, food prep. and making small talk for example. All booklets include a pronunciation guide that will instantly make your employee understood – even if they’ve never spoken English before. An audio download may also be purchased separately.
This remarkable new dictionary represents the first attempt in some four centuries to record the state of development of English as used across the entire Caribbean region.
While many professional translators believe the ability to translate is a gift that one either has or does not have, Allison Beeby Lonsdale questions this view. In her innovative book, she demonstrates how teachers can guide their students by showing them how insights from communication theory, discourse analysis, pragmatics, and semiotics illuminate the translation process. Challenging long-held assumptions, she establishes a fascinating framework on which to base the structure of a professional prose-translation class. Her original contributions to the question of directionatliy and to the specific strategies of tranlsating are applicable to not only the teaching of translation from Spanish to English, but to other teaching situations and to other pairs of languages as well. She also reviews the latest attempts in translation theory to define and contextualize ideal translator competence, student translator competence, and general translation strategies. Beeby Lonsdale completes her book by applying her conclusions to selecting and organizing the content of teaching translation from Spanish to English. She illustrates one or more of the basic translation principles through 29...
The compact dictionary of choice for home, school, or office.
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