Gente Pez Libros

Referencia de libros en español. Novedades y clásicos de siempre.

Número total de libros encontrados: 38 para tu búsqueda.

Petting Farm Fun, Bilingual English and Spanish

Autor: Karen Jean Matsko Hood

Número de Páginas: 35

This bilingual edition of Petting Farm Fun is printed in two languages: English and Spanish. It is the third release in the popular Hood Picture Book Series. It is a delightful bedtime story to entertain and then relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Karen Jean Matsko Hood is a prolific author and poet that loves children and animals. It is only fitting that she would write and direct the art of this delightful petting farm story. Her family has raised Nubian goats, fainting goats, Babydoll Southdown sheep, Icelandic sheep, Icelandic horses, and other petting animals as she knows this is a valuable experience for children. The author and her family also have first hand experience raising chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese for organic eggs. Her children have actively worked on the goat dairy farm to milk goats for organic milk. All this inspired her to write this book. Petting Farm Fun makes an enjoyable story for readers of all ages as well as those who love animals and have an...

Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish

Autor: Karen Jean Matsko Hood

Número de Páginas: 60

This bilingual edition of Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish Edition is translated and published in two languages: English and Spanish. This delightful, soothing bedtime story will surely relax young children before they fall asleep. The tradition of the bedtime story has been around since before the written word. For generations, and in every culture around the world, parents have prepared their children for bed by telling them stories. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish Edition is a soothing bedtime story to be told and retold. With the popularity of Japanese Anime cartoon styles, the artwork in this book will entertain young readers as they participate in the nighttime ritual of saying “goodnight” to all of their beloved treasures. Enjoy this easy-to-read bedtime story by author Karen Jean Matsko Hood. Each one of the pages is thoughtfully illustrated with warmth and love. Your children and grandchildren will ask you to read this oversized book to them again and again, and is a must for all families to have in their library. Goodnight, I Wish You Goodnight, Bilingual English and Spanish Edition makes a great gift for...

Circle Of Darkness

Autor: Lindsey M. McGuire

Número de Páginas: 324

From the beginning of time there have been stories about the existence of other worlds. Most believed that in such a vast universe Earth could not be the only inhabited planed. Perhaps there are other species akin to our own speculating on exactly the same theory of existence? There is a book of unknown origin older than any existing manuscript know to man and because of its uniqueness is heavily guarded. It is The Ancient Troneica with protectors known as High Lords from the Temple of Tekret. We will soon discover that we are not alone. Earth is one of seven plains that exist in our dimension. Under constant threat from an unimaginable evil that possibility has now become a reality. The battle will be fought in the shadows of San Francisco where the book has been located. The Darkness wants unity, pursuing its opponents relentlessly and without mercy to fulfill the Circle. The heavy burden of succumbing to a nightmare and surviving rests on the shoulders of Jason King and Lucy White. This is a journey of discovery and terror leading them towards a destiny that could take their very souls.

Programa de la Sociedad de Folklore Chileno, fundada en Santiago de Chile el 18 de julio de 1909

Autor: Sociedad de Folklore Chileno

Número de Páginas: 24

Literatura chicana, texto y contexto

Autor: Antonia Castañeda , Tomás Ybarra-Frausto , Joseph Sommers

Número de Páginas: 368

The Adventures of a Curious Ladybug / Las Aventuras de una Chinita Curiosa

Autor: Alejandra Planet

Robin Williams, American Master

Autor: Stephen Spignesi

Número de Páginas: 597

Did you know that, according to director Chris Columbus, Robin Williams improvised so much during the filming of Mrs. Doubtfire that the studio had enough footage to release PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 versions of the movie? Or that Robin ad-libbed all his lines in Good Morning, Vietnam because the DJ the movie was based on didn’t really do comedy during his shows? Robin Williams, American Master looks at Robin’s seventy movies, from his earliest appearance in Can I Do It…’Til I Need Glasses? to his final posthumous voice-only appearance in Absolutely Anything. Each film is discussed in detail, with special emphasis on Robin’s performances and how they exist in the context of his entire body of work. Robin Williams, American Master is the perfect tour guide through Robin’s epic collection of cinematic genius.

Principado de Montecristo

Autor: Gabriel Medina Vilchez

Número de Páginas: 959

Guía de consulta del archivo del Principado de Montecristo, especializado en documentación relacionada con micronaciones, creación de estados independientes; monedas, sellos postales, pasaportes, etc.. Contiene los índices onomásticos de más de 1000 fuentes documentales. También se ha incorporado una relación de lugares (índice geográfico) vinculado con las micronaciones..

Mi cuerpo es una celda (una autobiografía)

Autor: Andrés Caicedo

Número de Páginas: 346

El 4 de marzo de 1977, horas después de recibir el primer ejemplar de su hoy emblemática novela ¡Que viva la música!, el caleño Andrés Caicedo se suicidó con sesenta seconales. Tenía 25 años.

Una cruel bendicion / Mixed Blessings

Autor: Danielle Steel

Número de Páginas: 373

While Diana Goode and Andrew Douglas, successful career people, struggle with the pain of infertility, Charlie Winwood tries to persuade his actress wife Barbie Mason to have a baby, and a forty-something attorney contemplates late motherhood. 1,000,000 first printing. $750,000 ad/promo. Lit Guild & Doubleday Main.

Cartelera cinematográfica peruana, 1930-1939

Autor: Violeta Núñez Gorritti

Número de Páginas: 387

Hable En Una Semana Ingles

Autor: Penton Overseas, Inc , Jessica Buchsbaum , Donald S. (CRT) Rivera

Número de Páginas: 240

Fácil para llevar, fácil para utilizar y divertido. Usted hablará inglés en una semana.

Un Hijo Americano

Autor: Marco Rubio

Número de Páginas: 368

Pocos políticos han alcanzado una preeminencia a nivel nacional tan rápidamente como Marco Rubio. Esta es la historia de su ascenso inesperado. Una vez que Fidel Castro y su comunismo se tomaron el poder, Mario y Oria Rubio jamás pudieron regresar a su tierra natal. Pero adoptaron su nuevo país y enseñaron a sus hijos a agradecerle sus extraordinarias oportuni­dades. Cada sacrificio que hicieron durante todos esos años y los trabajos que pasaron en humildes oficios en Miami y Las Vegas, fue por sus hijos. El joven Marco creció soñando con fútbol americano, no política. En este fascinante libro, cuenta cómo terminó postulándose como candidato para comisionado de la ciudad de West Miami, cargo que lo condujo a la Cámara de Representantes. En solo seis años llegó a ser Presidente de la Cámara de Florida. Ganó su campaña para el Senado de los Estados Unidos cuando las posibilidades eran muy remotas. Ahora, Rubio habla en los estrados nacionales sobre los retos que afrontamos y ese futuro mejor que podremos alcanzar si volvemos a nuestros principios fundadores. Con esa visión, igual que con la historia de su familia, Rubio ha demostrado que el Sueño Americano aún ...


Autor: Pat Tito , Pat Bellavia

Número de Páginas: 361

Three wealthy, jaded people look for avenues of excitement; Gus Loring, financier, Bethany, his third wife and Marko Dzare, reclusive billionaire. They opt to buy a remote island and plan to populate it with evildoers who have escaped punishment through due legal process. The first three candidates are selected; Willard Grieg, slum landlord, Louis Marchini, drug lord and a terrorist named Jalave. Because of a highly publicized scandal when Gus is caught in the bed of another woman, Beth files for divorce and Marko decides Gus will no longer be involved with island matters but will continue as his silent business partner. Gus invests in what will be the world's most lucrative hostile takeover. After liquidating his assets, he also borrows heavily to meet his share of the cost but before the deal is consummated, Marko dies and Gus' money mysteriously vanishes. Beth falls in love with Leos Kodaly, one of Marko's assistants. Shortly after the birth of their twin sons, she is focced to live in Greece, in a home she fears. There she learns who really controls world finances, who has the power to bring down countries and who has the power over life and death.

Desde el frente

Autor: Carlos H. Robacio , Carlos Hugo Robacio , Jorge Hernandez

Número de Páginas: 486

Esto es lo que importa

Autor: Emily Giffin

Número de Páginas: 376

Dos jóvenes madres muy distintas ven unidos sus destinos tras un acccidente. La vida de Valerie Anderson da un vuelco cuando su hijo Charlie, que jamás ha conocido a su padre, sufre severas quemaduras faciales en un incendio. El niño se recupera rápidamente gracias a la pericia del cirujano Nick Russo y la gratitud de Valerie hacia el médico pronto se convierte en amor. Nick también se siente fascinado por ella, pues ve en esta mujer valiente todo lo que no ve en su esposa Tessa, un ama de casa que abandonó su carrera profesional para cuidar del hogar y parece haber olvidado todos sus proyectos de juventud. Tessa, por su parte, tendrá que decidir si se esfuerza por mantener el estado de las cosas o si aprovecha la situación para dar un cambio radical a su vida, recuperando un espíritu luchador que ha quedado arrinconado. Emily Giffin nos regala una historia luminosa sobre dos mujeres atrapadas en situaciones que las empujan a sus límites: las dos que tendrán que replantearse todo en lo que habían creído hasta entonces; las dos terminarán descubriendo qué es lo realmente importante en la vida. «Inteligente, creíble y auténtica: sabe captar la esencia de la...

Arthur Miller: visiones desde el nuevo milenio

Autor: Ramón Espejo

Número de Páginas: 152

Recopilació d'assajos i reflexions que comparteixen el desig de fer una nova llum sobre l'obra de Arthur Miller, un dels dramaturgs més importants del segle XX i figura clau en el desenvolupament del teatre nord-americà modern. Útil eina per a aquells que cerquen un primer contacte amb la seua obra, i per als qui ja la coneixen, que s'interessen per noves perspectives.

La chica que se llevaron (versión española)

Autor: Charlie Donlea

Número de Páginas: 416

Ella no recuerda nada. Mejor así. Su verdad era solo la mitad de la historia. Megan McDonald está terminando el bachillerato, es popular, carismática, y tiene un futuro increíble por delante. En una de sus últimas noches en Emerson Bay, la secuestran. Megan está dos semanas en cautiverio hasta que escapa, y pasa a ser conocida como "la chica que se llevaron". Pero esa noche también desapareció Nicole Cutty y de ella nadie sabe nada. Megan escribe su libro, que se convierte en un bestseller, pero ella no está bien. Recuerda muy poco de lo que ocurrió y necesita saberlo. Livia, médica forense, es la hermana mayor de Nicole. Todavía se siente culpable por no haber contestado el teléfono cuando Nicole la llamó la noche en que desapareció. Megan y Livia deciden investigar qué pasó con Nicole. Cuanto más profundizan se dan cuenta de que el verdadero terror reside en encontrar exactamente lo que estabas buscando. Llega al español Charlie Donlea, autor de thrillers, best seller internacional #1, traducido a 12 idiomas en 20 países. "Donlea mantiene a sus lectores adivinando todo el tiempo. Las vueltas de la historia son inteligentes y atrapantes, para fans que...

Dead Men Flying

Autor: General Patrick Henry Brady , Meghan Brady Smith

Número de Páginas: 629

Viet Nam may be the only war we ever fought, or perhaps that was ever fought, in which the heroism of the American soldier was accompanied by humanitarianism unmatched in the annals of warfare. And the humanitarianism took place during the heat of the battle. The GI fixed as he fought, he cured and educated and built in the middle of the battle. He truly cared for, and about, those people. What other Army has ever done that? Humanitarianism was America's great victory in Viet Nam. Spearheading the humanitarian efforts were the air ambulance operations, call-sign Dust Off, the most dangerous of all aviation operations, which rescued some one million souls in Viet Nam. Dead Men Flying is the story of Charles Kelly, the father of Dust Off, who gave his life to save Dust Off—the greatest life-saver ever. His dying words—When I have your wounded—set the standard for combat medicine to this day. It is also the story of the author, Medal of Honor recipient General Patrick Brady, who learned from Charles Kelly and struggled to meet his standard. Brady led the 54th Medical Detachment as it rescued over twenty-one thousand wounded—enemy and friendly—in ten months, while sustaining ...

Las réplicas más divertidas del cine

Autor: Jean-Claude Brialy

Número de Páginas: 249

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